Chapter 64

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I'm done, hopefully that was the last of it. Anyway sorry about the delay.


Shakti had a strained smile on her face, she was bloodied and battered, the moment Tione unleashed her magic was the moment things turned for the worse for her.

Beside the 2 firebirds that were flying in the air, all of her monsters had been slain in a matter of minutes, even with her supporting them, she couldn't do much because of the reach Tione had gained due to her whip which she created with her magic.

Tione again rushed towards the tamer, her whip biting at Shakti with terrifying precision and speed, like a snake that is poised to strike.

Shakti jumped back to dodge, but she failed to gauge the proper reach of the whip, the kukri which Tione tied to the end reached her legs as it cut her flesh.

"Argh!" With a frustrated grunt, Shakti whistled, a signal for her monsters or at least her two firebirds to open fire, and that they did, sending a barrage of red hot flame towards Tione's direction to slow down her onslaught.

Tione saw this and smirked, she twirled the whip around blocking the projectile and with the final spin she sent the whip straight to the air. It hit one of the birds, killing it instantly. Now only one of Shakti's monsters remained.

At the amazon's peripheral, she saw a spear head beaming at her left, Shakti had used the fire balls as a smoke screen for her attack.

It would have been successful, but Tione was expecting it, within the last second she moved her body to the side, making the spear passed by her harmlessly, she then pulled the whip back and wrapped the spear and yank Shakti closer to her.

"With those annoying monsters gone, Your attack had become easier to read." Tione spoke coolly as she pulled her head back and slammed it straight to Shakti.

She headbutted Shakti straight to her nose, breaking it as blood gushed out of it, she was not done, she spun around wrapping the whip around her body pulling Shakti closer because she refused to let go of her spear.

The sole remaining firebird saw this and with an eagle like shriek, it charged to save its master. A poor decision.

Tione twisted her body to face the monster and with a powerful yank, she threw Shakti towards it.

The beast and its tamer collided mid air, and like a snake that found its time to strike, the whip beams straight at them, the kukri at its end as its fangs.

Shakti was facing away from it, and the monster was the one who saw the strike coming, using all of its strength, it turned Shakti away and used its own body to block it, essentially sacrificing itself to save its master.

With a pained cry, the kukri penetrated its body straight down its monster core. It died shortly after as its body turns to dust, leaving only its monster core.

Shakti's eyes widened as she crashed down to the ground. There was a palpable anger inside her body, that firebird was special, it isn't just any monster. As it turned its body to protect Shakti, it whispered something in her ears before turning into dust.


That firebird was a Xenos. A monster who had gained sentient thought, intelligence, and even emotions. Believed to be created due to respawning multiple times inside the dungeon.

That monster isn't just a tamed one for Shakti, it was a friend. Shakti stood up, her eyes glued to the cracked monster core, a kukri stuck inside it.

She knew that with its monster core damage, that firebird wouldn't respawn anymore.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now