Chapter 79

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August kept on pushing the tempo, putting the prince on the defensive, frankly he was disappointed, he expected more from a fellow Theïko óplo user, but the prince was a pushover.

August slashed his spear towards the prince's head, the blow powerful enough to decapitate him.

Marius moved his sword blocking the spear before it reached him, he then spun and delivered a slash of his own, heading at August's shoulders.

'He's getting faster.' August thought as he harmlessly moved out of the way. 'But not fast enough.' he then stabbed at the chest, his spear blurring at how fast it traveled.

Marius followed the motion of his attack, letting his blow carry him, dodging August's stab and moving at his side. He then delivered a quick check kick to the back side of the adventurer's knee.

The hit made August raise his brow in surprise. 'He really is moving faster than before.' The blow made him lose his balance momentarily. This allows Marius to follow up with a fast overhead strike.

August rolled to the ground, but Marius's blade nipped him at his calf, a scratch by all accounts, but something August should never be hit with.

Marius gave chase, his sword glowing that sinister purple glow. August had grown accustomed to the prince's pattern at this point. He knew that that attack is something he shouldn't dodge.

He moved his spear, glowing a violent red as he charged up mana into it, and with a powerful first step, he met the prince head on.

Their weapons clashed, the red and purple mana mixing in the air as it battled for dominance.

This time it was the prince who made the first move, pulling his weapon back, he spun to the right, moving all the way back to August's blind side. He then slashed at August's back.

August senses flared up, he blindingly moved his spear, placing it in his back as it blocked the blow of the prince. He then put some power into his feet as he jumped and backflipped over Marius.

The prince clicked his tongue, he then rolled forward just in time to dodge August's blow.

The prince got back to his feet smoothly, he was grinning at August. "Almost, a tad bit slow though." The prince smirked while gesturing at August with him pinching his fingers close together but not touching.

August ignored him and got to his stance. 'If fast is what you want, then allow me to oblige.' he thought as he loaded mana into the soles of he feet.

He arrived instantly at the prince's space, but what surprised him was that a sword was already waiting for him. "The fuck?" August hurriedly moved the spear to block the sword.

"Too slow!" Marius said crazily as he goes on with his slash, his blade drawing a crimson line at August's chest as it sends the adventurer flying back.

August crashed into the wall, his body catering it, sending debris flying all over. As the dust settles, the crowd can see August with a huge wound on his chest and blood dripping out of his mouth.


Heracles has a look of disbelief in his face, from what he could see, the prince should be below the level of August.

He doesn't know why, but as the fight continued, Marius speed grew, gradually that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

But that wasn't what's bothering the god. It's August, he has drawn blood, that should have been the beginning of the end, but there was close to no change in his stats.

Ares' face was the complete opposite of that of Heracles'. The god of war has a sinister smile on his face as he watches his child silence the crowd.

His eyes glanced at the god of strength, he almost chuckled at the look of surprise and confusion on Heracles' face. 'Oh butcher, the fun has just began.' he brought his attention back to the match. His eyes amused at what he was seeing.

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