Chapter 43

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First of all I'll be the first one to say that yesterday's chapter was subpar at best, to be completely honest with you guys I was out drinking while writing that chapter but I don't wanna make excuses or anything, as an apology here's an extra chapter for y'all.



The sun was shining brightly as the cool spring breeze blew gently carrying a fresh scent in the air.

A lone traveler was enjoying such a day as he headed towards the dungeon city of Orario, he was singing a tune while making his way through the Wishe forest.

"Hey, what's the matter with your head, yeah... Hey, what's the matter with your mind and your sign oh-oh-oh-oh..."

He was bobbing his head back and forth as he sang off pitch while snapping his finger along with the beat.

As he did so some rustling can be heard in the woods, there's a rule in traveling inside the forest and that is to make little to no noise in order to not attract monsters into your position, and right now all that singing is just bringing attention towards the young traveler.

"COME AND GET YOU LOVE!!! COME AND GET YOUR LOVE!!!" The young traveler started belting on the top of his lungs as his body started to move into a dance.

All the while multiple eyes are locking into him, stalking him, these are the monsters that inhabit Wishe forest. Monsters such as forest goblins, kabolds, and horned apes. They were all attached to the noise that the young traveler was making.

But the thing is, none of the monsters present is even thinking about attacking him, they all can feel the aura of someone way outside their strike zone.

The monsters outside the dungeon may not be as strong as their counterpart but they are much more clever, one difference between them is that the monster inside the dungeon attack without any regard for their lives while the monsters in the wild rely on their instincts to survive, and right now their instincts are screaming at them that the lone traveler is dangerous.

But like mortals some monsters are just born stupid, brave but stupid nonetheless.

And those are the goblins.

As soon as the traveler passed by them they started to rush at him, brandishing their clubs and rusty blades they shrieked as they charged at the traveler from behind.

"Goblins... It's always fucking goblins." the traveler sigh as he unsheathed the bastard sword on his side. "And just when I was getting to the good part of the song."

There were a total of 10 goblins, 6 rushed into him while 4 aimed their bow at him. He stood there waiting for them as he twirled his sword playfully.

The first goblin arrived and slammed its club towards his head, he wanted to yawn at how slow the attack was, he caught it with his bare hand and using his right he thrust his sword straight at the goblin's neck, it passed right through like a hot knife through butter, blood gushed everywhere as a gurgling sound was heard from the goblin.

The 4 others arrived and swung their weapons at him wildly, he jumped up dodging everything and flipped in the air landing at their back.

He senses an arrow flying at him so he grabbed one of the goblins at the nape and used it as a shield.

The goblin cried out in pain as multiple arrows struck it in its body. He then used his mana into his arm and threw the goblin shield into the archers hitting all 4 of them and knocking them down.

With a quick slash he decapitated the 3 other goblins and rushed towards the 4 archers, he made quick work of them as he finished them off all in one quick strike.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now