Chapter 22

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Mia and August talked about many things, about his training with Heracles, how he has grown well, his registration as an official adventurer, his run in with Finn and the other members of Loki's familia, and his battle with Goliath. He made sure not to share too much information regarding the topic as it was still a sore spot for him.

Mia also shared her experience. How after coming back from their expedition she retired as an active adventurer and founded a pub that locals and adventurers alike can enjoy.

After their talk Mia gave August some of her strongest alcohols which August drank, being an inexperienced drinker August inevitably got drunk and here we are now.

"KEEP THE DRINKS COMING!!!" August was having the time of his life, it was not everyday that he got to party out. He made quite a few friends in the process as he volunteered to pay for everyone's night.

""YEAHHH AUGUST!!!"" The rowdy bunch kept on ordering as they were cheering August on. And Mia was in the corner seeing dollar signs as she took the order from the customers with a huge smile.

She's fond of the boy but business is still business and he quite likes this side of August. Well because of all the money she'll be collecting later on.

As the night gets later August lost track of the time, and he also forgot that he was with someone as the young elf was nowhere to be found. But he doesn't care. He is enjoying himself.

The door of the pub suddenly opened and came in a giant of a man. Everyone inside the pub stopped what they were doing and started at the door. And there it was.

Bulging muscles, wild brown hair, he wears leather armor made from the skin of a mythical beast, his eyes scan the room, looking at every adventurer inside while they all look down avoiding eye contact with the unknown guest.

Alongside him is a young elf who was here earlier with August. She was shaking and looking down on the floor.

Everyone was swallowing their saliva and holding their breath, well everyone that has a brain as one stupid and drunk adventurer stood up and walked towards the giant man at the door.

"Who are you supposed to be huh? You looking for a fight?" Everyone who saw this feels like their breath got shorter, Mia in particular recognized this guess who entered her pub. It was after all a god. August who saw the stupid adventurer walking towards his god couldn't help but applaud his stupidity.

'Well his dead.' August thought to himself as he stopped himself from giggling at the sheer idiotic behavior of a drunk and stupid adventurer.

Heracles just looked at the man, and the adventurer came closer, his step unsteady from all the alcohol that he had drank. "Why are you so quiet? If you want to fight then let's go. Don't ruin the party young August has thrown for us."

August mind shattered at that moment. He was planning on leaving unnoticed by his god but the fool really spouted his name. Then he saw Sophie besides his god and faced palmed at the realization that no matter what he was fucked.

Mia tried to deescalate the situation but one stare from the god made her stop in her tracks.

Heracles lifted his arms, raising it to level with the adventurer's forehead as he pulled his middle finger back, holding it with his thumb.

"Huh? What's that supposed to d--"


He never got to finish his words as Heracles flicked him and sent him flying breaking the wall sending him tumbling outside.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now