Chapter 139

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*Lili Pov*

Drowning, everything felt heavy yet light at the same time. The world felt like it was spinning as a sense of euphoria filled my veins with every sip of the divine brew that is Lord Soma's concoction.

Yet again, I was too weak, yet again, I was tempted by the sweet allure that is promised by the wine. The red liquid pulling me deeper towards the darkness of no return.

I know in myself that I must resist, that I must stop myself... But could I? How many times have I tried? How many times did I convince myself never again? How many times have I hoped?

I don't know the exact number, all I know is that it's one too many.

I heard the muffled sound of grinding inside the room, it had rhythm in it, like a polished tune. My eyes followed the sound, and I saw him. Lord Soma himself, doing what he does best. Creating the wines meant for the gods.

My eyes stared blankly at him, watching him move as he ground up high-quality grapes and other various herbs for his wine. This might be the first time I ever saw him, maybe... I can't quite remember...

There's also the sound of screaming and metal clashing with metal coming from outside, but I paid it no mind as my eyes yet again returned to the glass and the bottle of wine that was placed in front of me. 'One more sip,' my mind urged me, as the liquid pulled me in.

My hand automatically moved, grasping the chilled bottle. I must stop myself... I need to stop myself. But can I really do it?

A chuckle mocked me as I already knew the answer... I can't... I am forever trapped in this brutal cycle, and I can't do anything about it. I know right now that I am indeed hopeless.

"Lili!" My hand stopped as I heard a muffled sound coming from the outside. Everything seemed dull, but I could swear that I heard it.

'It must have been my imagination,' I told myself as I returned my gaze back to the wine.

"LILI!" There it was again, I feel like someone is calling me. "LILI!!!" My name... I hear my name being called. That voice, it sounded familiar.

"LILI!!!" My eyes widened as the sound became clearer, although not by much, but enough for me to recognize that voice.

"B-Bell..." I muttered as my vision slowly returned to me. I tried to stand up but found that I couldn't. My legs felt like lead, and my vision kept on spinning. "B-Bell."

I pushed myself up, trying desperately to stand, yet my body just won't listen. I tried to flail my arms to no avail; everything felt too heavy, like being drowned in the deep ends of the ocean.

Then I felt my hand push the bottle off the table, a loud cracking sound echoed inside the room as the bottle shattered into pieces, spilling the liquid inside.

The sweet aroma wafted through the air, as my senses became much duller than before. The smell was intoxicating, pulling me deeper into the drowning sensation that I was feeling. Then I heard a footstep, coming towards me. I groggily looked up and saw Lord Soma, a bottle in his hand.

"Lord Soma..." I muttered his name, my voice shaky and uneven. A tear formed in my eyes. The fighting outside became clearer as Bell's voice continued to call out to my name. "Please... I don't care what happens to me... Please help them, please keep them safe." I begged, that was the only thing that I can think of. "I'll do anything... Just save my friends."

I pushed myself up from the table, trying my best to sit up straight, even with the world seemingly spinning, I kept my eyes straight towards him.

He looked at me blankly, his eyes felt like they were looking at my very soul, his gaze judging me. He picked up the glass on the table, his eyes still on mine. "Shallow words from a child who lost herself to the temptations of alcohol." His voice was cold and lazy, his words stung my heart. "What meaning could they possibly have?"

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now