Chapter 48

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The amphitheater was packed, the excitement was palpable in the air, this was the first time Orario had held a tournament of this nature.

Sure the Monster Feria was a yearly thing but this, this was a once in a lifetime event and the people didn't know if this will ever happen again.

The gods stared at the wild crowd in their private box on top of the venue, the event was a success, some gods even profited because of it, but none of them was happier than Loki right now.

"Oh would you look at that." Loki pointed at the screen while laughing haughtily at the other gods, her eyes were sparkling in pride. "Looks like four of my children made it to the tournament, by the way Freya, how many of yours were chosen again?"

Freya was smiling like nothing was wrong, but deep down she was pissed. The Gulliver brothers failed, only one of them passed the test, and it was the eldest, Alfrigg Gulliver. The four of them were a unit, individually they were strong, but together they can take an army. But since this was an individual competition, they couldn't showcase most of their skill.

Freya ignored Loki who was gloating every god in the room, with 4 adventurers in the tournament, she holds the highest probability of winning.

The door opened as a mountain of a god entered making the room quiet as all eyes looked at it.

"HERACLES!!!" a booming voice made the gods winced as Thor greeted his old friend and brother at arms. "You're a bit late. Come join me, let us drink through the festivities." he beamed a smile at the god while raising a mug full of ale.

"I reckon I'm just on time, the fight hasn't even started yet." Heracles walked towards the god of thunder and the two of them bumped fist. "And I'll take you up on that offer."

the two behemoths made their way to the table in the middle, the other gods making way for them.

"So my friend. It looks like your child made it to the main tournament. Congratulations." Thor sat down as he congratulated Heracles. He then offers him a mug of Ale.

Heracles accepted the mug and took a large chug of it. "There was never any doubt that he would make it this far, he is strong after all, and I stand by my words that he is the strongest level 5 in the city right now."  he said after he was done finishing the whole mug in one chug. He made sure that everyone heard what he said.

This made the gods click their tongue in Heracles arrogant remarks.

"my friend, you really have a talent in pissing gods off. HAHAHA!" Thor laughs as he feels everyone's gaze on Heracles.

"You seem quite confident in your child Heracles." Loki chimed in, walking closer towards their table. She pulled a chair and sat with them. "I admire that. You are wrong of course but you're holding on to your belief." She has this annoying smile that was pissing Heracles off. A vein popped out of Heracles's forehead as he turned towards Loki.

"Thor, who let the cross dresser in?" He elbowed the god of thunder and asked him with all seriousness while pointing at Loki, this made Thor spit his drink.

"FUCK YOU, MUSCLE FOR BRAIN ASSHOLE!!!" Loki screams at Heracles.


The two went back and forth as the gods started to look in their direction.

"They really don't like each other, don't they." Thor who was drinking was startled by the sudden voice at his side. He looked at it only to find Hestia quietly drinking right beside him.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now