Chapter 107

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Hestia ran up to Bell's arms, tears welling up her eyes. "BELL!!!" She yelled in joy, as she was finally reunited with her child.

The two crashed on the ground as Hestia held Bell into her tight embrace. "It really is you, thank goodness. I was so worried!" she pushed up to see Bell's face, noticing the injuries his child had suffered. "It must have been hard. I'm so glad you're safe."

"Goddess." Bell felt a drop falling on his cheeks, he looked up, seeing her goddess looking at her, a soft smile on her face, as tears fell from her cheeks.

"I'm so glad... Bell... I'm so glad that you're safe." Hestia's voice chimed insides Bell's ear. It was filled with relief, and you can see the tension leaving her body as she had her eyes glued on Bell.

"I made you worry huh? I'm sorry... Goddess." Bell smiled as he reached out and wiped the tears off Hestia's cheeks.

Hestia went in for another hug, but before she could, she felt a pair of arms grasp her by her waist, pulling her off of Bell. "That's enough lady Hestia!" it was Lili. The two of them then fell ass first on the ground as Hestia began to whine.

"Hey you! Don't you ruin my moving reunion moment!" Hestia flailed around, trying to break free out of Lili's grasp.

"Mr. Bell got hurt protecting us, and he needs to rest." Lili argued back, holding Hestia in place, trying to separate him away from Bell.

Footsteps started to echoe, as Ais and Welf arrived and stood behind Bell. Hestia saw Ais and her blood suddenly boiled.

"What?! Wallen-somthing! Why are you here?!" She points her finger towards Ais, like a child who saw someone she hates.

As that was happening, the others started to make their way out of the 17th floor boss room, into the 18th floor safe zone.

"Yo! Bell." Bell turned to the familiar voice, and saw Denki, Helga, Lysander, Eira, and Bors grinning at him. Denki smiled as well, waving at the white haired adventurer. "Good job making it all the way here."

"Mr. Denki?! Guys!" Bell beamed at them. He had a good look of everyone there and saw an unexpected figure in the group. "Miss Ryuu?" he was confused on why the waitress from the hostess of fertility is here as well.

Ryuu raised her pointing finger in her mouth, signaling Bell to keep her presence here on the down low. She then smiled, happy to see that the young adventurer was safe.

"So you're Bell Cranel huh?" Another voice made the white haired youth turn to see who it came from.

"Y-yes..." Bell saw a blonde man with orange eyes, wearing a feathered hat. The man is slender and of medium height with skinny arms and legs sticking out of his clothes. The man also has effeminate looks and an overwhelming charm. Making Bell quite nervous to talk to him. That man is Hermes.

Hermes looked at Bell curiously. "So you're the one huh... I've been wanting to meet you for some time now." he smiled his patented playful smile as he extended his hand towards Bell for a shake. "My name is Hermes. Pleased to meet you, young Bell."

Bell smiled, extending his hand for a shake as well. "Thank you. It's a pleasure." his smile was innocent, something that is rare for an adventurer to have. Which made Hermes even more interested in him. "Also, Thank you for helping out, I really appreciate it."

Hermes shrugged, acting like it was oy natural. "Not at all. I did this for my dear friend Hestia." Hermes eyes then went to a spot behind Bell, seeing three mortals. His lips smirked as he looks at Bell playfully. "If you're gonna thank anyone, thank those children there." he points at Bells back, towards the adventurers of the Takemikazuchi familia.

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