Chapter 10

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*Shakti PoV*

"AUGUST!!!" I tried to stop him from engaging the monsters, but he didn't hear me, I rushed to follow him but somebody grabbed my arm, stopping me from doing so.

I looked back and saw Heracles, Looking at me, I pulled my hand off or at least tried to but found that he was much stronger than me.

Impossible, he shouldn't be able to use his Arcanum, how in the hell is a god overpowering me in strength? he is basically normal right now.

"Let him go." He said, his eyes not moving away from mine.

"He's just a child!" I reasoned with him.

He's an adventurer, a warrior... the moment I gave him his falna, he can no longer be called a child."

I let my mana run rampant as I put more strength in my hand. what kind of reasoning is that? no longer a child? he's fucking six.

but no matter how hard I pull he doesn't seem to be fazed by it. Is his natural strength that much stronger than mine? even using mana to aid me I can't make him budge.

His pressure and his size seems to grow larger as he stared at me, he gaze stoic.

"Just watch. That boy is becoming a man, he needs to do this more than you think." he let go of my hand as his eyes moved towards August. "You can't protect him forever, and he, from what I can see doesn't need your protection."

My eyes moved, looking at the battlefield, I saw August slaughtering the monsters with his spear, with brutal and methodical precision.

He's moving like a vet, a seasoned adventurer who has done it countless of times, like a twirling tempest of death, a violent and deadly dance and any monsters who are caught by it, become mince meat at his spear.

I saw Siegfried that day, that fighting style, a single purpose to kill the enemy before they can touch him, jumping at the fray with no thought of repercussions. The Vanguard.

How? how is he fighting like his father? did he teach him? this line of questioning ran in my mind as I watched August fight the horde.

His spear, absorbing the blood of everything he kills, I can feel it giving him strength. he grows stronger the longer he fights, I can literally see him improving as he goes.

"How?..." I asked the god besides me.

He smiled. "it's rude for an adventurer to ask about this type of stuff missy, but since I'm in a good mood I'll give you a hint." he then pointed at the spear. Beowulf, as it radiates a violent aura.

I shudder looking at him, he is smiling, laughing as he slaughters the horde, a dark aura enveloping him.

I was about to ask for more details, but my eyes caught August moving towards an Orc.

He dashed at a speed a newly born adventurer shouldn't have. How is he this fast, this early in his career as an adventurer.

A kabold jumped in front of him, and with terrifying precision, he moved his spear, a strike from below, hitting the monster in the groin and dissecting it in half, down the middle, a clean slash.

He arrived in front of the orc, as it raised his weapon to slam it down at him, yet fluidly he parried the slash straight towards the ground and countered with a fast stab at the orc's abdomen.

The orc cried in pain, but his attack was too shallow to do a sizable damage to the monster.

He jumped back, as the orc angrily swung his sword towards him. He is dodging everything at a hair width, not wasting any unnecessary movement.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now