Chapter 20

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There is an old saying, something that went along these lines. "If you stare at the abyss, the abyss will stare right back at you."
I have lived by those words since I was six.

I tried to run from the abyss, but all it does is chase me down.

I feel cold, my body feels like it's sinking in tar, I feel heavy, I can't breathe. It's funny, I should feel immense discomfort, yet I feel serene and calm. Everything seems distant, it feels like I'm inside an endless void.

"Kill..." there is a voice, a deep, dark voice.

"Kill..." there it was again. It's becoming clearer.

"Kill them..." it's coming closer and closer.






The adventurers from Loki's familia stopped on their tracks, they felt an extremely dark, and malicious magic bursting in the air. It felt terrifying, they felt the magic prick their skin, it felt like a swarm of bugs crawling all over them.

Riveria who was the most sensitive to magic fell on her knees, she was shaking in fear. She felt a hand clasping at her heart, a hand that may crush it anytime. She felt magic so dark, so angry, sinister and evil. "Gods help us."

The others followed suit, Tiona couldn't handle the pressure, she vomited out of fear, as her body uncontrollably shook. She never experienced fear quite like this.

Tiona wasn't doing well either. She clutches her chest as she breathes roughly, she felt suffocated by the magic, cold sweet started to drip all over her body.

Bete tried standing tall, facing the magic, but his knees gave out, he fell flat on his ass, biting his lips drawing blood as his hands clench into a fist. "what the fuck is that?!"

Gareth used his axe as support, not allowing himself to fall down, he grit his teeth as his eyes stared straight at the epicenter of the magic that was assaulting his whole squad. But he couldn't hold on for long, as the magic continued to grow, stronger and stronger by the second. He took a knee and panted heavily.

Finn saw his friends and comrades collapse, yet he couldn't do anything, his body wouldn't move no matter how hard he tried to move it. His breathing was getting rougher, his heart beat at an extremely fast rate. He feels like he was in the very same room with death itself.

Ais hands moved, her fingers touched the hilt of her sword, and with all her strength she was able to unsheathe her blade. But that was all that she could do. As no matter how hard she'd forced herself to take a step forward. Her feet won't budge. They are glued to the ground. Her mind is telling her to fight but her body won't allow it.

"Haha." they all heard a chuckle coming from the center of the magic.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" It gets louder and louder and as the dust finally settles, everything becomes clear for them to see.

The incoming fist that the monster rex had thrown, vanished as a rain of blood fell inside the room. Goliath's right hand has been cut off cleanly.

And there a boy stands. The magic radiated from him, as sparks flew off his body, his spear producing miasma. His hand is now fixed, his body smoking as the wounds he received closed and vanished.

Goliath was shocked, it was about to finish this boy with its fist, and the very next moment pain assaulted it as his right arm was gone from the elbow down.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now