chapter 34

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*Heracles PoV*

After I gave August a throughout beatin-- I mean after I finished teaching August on how to be respectful and to mind his manners, I began asking him what happened inside the dungeon.

What he told me brought a smile to my face. He had fought Bete Loga, in his words he lost that fight, he was out classed in every conceivable way, be it skills, technique, even in mana control.

"I think I know what you were trying to tell me all those times." he said as he was looking down on the floor. "I rely too much on my weapon, if it wasn't for it he would have destroyed me. Beowulf was the only reason I was able to keep up with him."

"Still it was an impressive feat. You were able to trade blows against someone above your level. Beowulf or not that is still a daunting task and you face it head on." I pat him at his shoulder. "And don't view this as a loss. The fight didn't reach a conclusion. And you have grown plenty because of that fight, so this is a win in my book."

With a deep breath, August looked at me in the eye. He had a serious look on his face. He then asked. "My lord, do you think I'll be as strong as I am now without this weapon?"

His question stomped me. He is wielding something that even us gods fear, a weapon capable of unimaginable power. But he doesn't need to know that. No... He must never find out what that weapon is. I answered him with as much honesty and sincerity. "A weapon does not make the man. Do you think that your strength came because of it? No it does not. Your strength came from here." I poke my finger in his chest. "It comes from your heart, your determination to grow strong, your passion, your will. A weapon is just a tool August. You have proven time and time again that you have what it takes to be strong." I paused and looked at him in his eyes. "So to answer your question... Yes, I think that you would have grown strong even without your weapon."

He smiled at my words, I can see confidence rising inside him, I guess he really needed to hear that. "Thank you my lord." he said.

"No need for thanks August. I am just saying the truth." I moved to my seat and sat, a table was separating us as he stood in front of me. I turned serious. "Now shall we talk business. Now that you've had a chance to talk to him, what do you think about Denki? Judging by the sounds from the back and the faint mana that reached my office you two had a spar."

"Denki is a good fit, but I feel like he is massively inexperienced, and that's coming from me who doesn't have much to go on inside the dungeon. He fights well but lacks body when it comes to his attack, the potential is high, well not as high as mine, but still high." he said the last part smugly.

"Don't brag." I rolled my eyes at him and opened the drawer of my table. "You are the captain of my familia and as captain you are responsible for everyone under you." I picked up a paper and slid it towards August. "So you should know what they are capable of. This is Denki's status. Seeing that you two had already spared, you already had an idea of how he fights and what his limit is. But to be on the safe side you need to make sure that you know the exact details of your party."

I was impressed with the first time that I saw Denki's status. He is talented and has the potential to be a pillar in my familia. He is nowhere close to the potential August has but he can still be considered as a genius. Especially when it comes to the way of the sword.


Name: Denki Makoto

LVL: 3

STR: 92-I
DEX: 142-H
AGI: 162-H
MAG: 143-H
END: 129-H




Iaijutsu: The user is an expert in the art of drawing the katana at extreme speeds and cutting. The user gains a boost in AGI and DEX when the user is in an Iaijustu stance. Can only be used if the user is equipped with a katana.

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