Chapter 70

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The 2 hours have passed and the crowd although still a bit shaken has now recovered thanks to the medics stationed around the amphitheater.

This time it wasn't Ganesha who marched on stage to introduce the fighter, it was one of his children, Ibri Achaa.

Ganesha meanwhile was just coming back from their base of operations, he had quickly gone home to have a talk with Aagon, but to his dismay the green dragon hadn't returned to the stables.

Ganesha entered the VIP room and was greeted by the stares of every god in the room, Loki in particular was glaring at him, showing open hostility at Ganesha.

"Yo Ganesha!" the god heard someone calling him and when he turned to see who it was, he found Buddha grinning at him while waving for him to come.

'What's he doing here?' Ganesha wondered as he made his way towards their table, he saw him sitting alongside Heracles, Athena, and Hestia.

"Buddha." Ganesha nodded in respect. "Heracles, Lady Athena, Lady Hestia." he also nodded to the trio who was with Buddha. "Mind if I sit here with you? I fear that my presence is not welcome for the others here." he said as his eyes scanned the room, seeing the gods staring at him with an unpleased expression.

"Sure, grab a seat." Buddha nodded energetically. "Here have some ale, the big guy is paying, so drink as much as you want."

Ganesha smiled and did so. He really needed a drink after the earlier incident.

"So you're not hosting this time?" Hestia asked.

"After what happened earlier, I feel like I wouldn't do a good job... Don't worry, Ibri is good when it comes to this type of event." He answered.

Just as Ganesha answered, His child started to give the introduction. The gods brought their focus down on the stage.


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ARE YOU READY!!!" Ibri screamed at the top of his lungs, giving it his all to hype the crowd.

A round of applause and cheers entered his ears and he smiled joyfully at it. 'At least it seems like they have recovered well enough to cheer... Let's give them a show.' He thought as he continued. "Welcome to the semifinal rounds! Where the competition becomes even more treacherous for our champions who will be fighting on this very stage!"

"Now... Allow me to introduce, our fighters for the first match in the semifinal bracket B! To my LEFT!!! She had shown dominance in the first round, winning her match in record time, she had the fastest win in the tournament so far. Will her dominance continue here in the semifinals, where the lights are brighter? THE SWORD PRINCESS!!! AIS!!! WALLENSTINE!!!"

The cheers erupted as the crowd went wild, well it was to be expected given that she was one of the most popular if not the most popular adventurer in the city. Her beauty and strength had pushed him as such.

She entered the stage, her gait was confident, every step she took showed her unquestioned belief of her victory. She stood in the middle of the stage to the cheers and adoration of the crowd.

"WHAT A WELCOME!!! As expected, the sword princess is as popular as ever. But popularity does not have a say in this match." Ibri word captures the crowd's attention, he was masterfully controlling the crowd.

"And her opponent, to my RIGHT!!! She showed her mastery in the spear as well as her prowess as a tamer! What will she show us now? The captain of Ganesha familia! ANKUSHA!!! SHAKTI!!! VARMA!!!"

The crowd cheered, but it wasn't as loud as what Ais had received, still the expectation they have was through the roof. Ibri had said it best. What would Shakti Varma show them now?

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