Chapter 82

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In the stands, Toga and Denki, along with the adventurer sitting in their section, were engaging the members of Evilus. The battle was chaotic, as most adventurers weren't used to fighting against other people. The Evilus members didn't seem to care about civilian casualties; in fact, their moves intentionally targeted the fleeing civilians.

"Who the hell are these people?" Denki blocked an incoming slash, then tilted his blade to let the Evilus grunt's sword slide harmlessly by him. With a quick twirl, he slashed the grunt's knee and delivered a thudding blow with his pommel.

"From the looks of things, these are Evilus members," Toga said, cutting the head off his attacker while sidestepping another slash. He then ran towards Denki and stabbed his katana into the incapacitated grunt. "Finish them off!"

Denki's eyes bulged at what Toga did. He had no experience taking a life and had never imagined himself doing so. He gulped and paled, frozen in place.

Behind him, one of Evilus' grunts came running, a dagger poised to stab Denki in the back. Toga saw this and kicked Denki at his side, sending him crashing into the seats to avoid the attack.

Toga then ducked and slashed upwards, cutting off the assailant's hands. In a smooth motion, he shifted his center of gravity and cut down, slicing the grunt in two diagonally from shoulder to waist.

"If you don't have the stomach for this, then get out of here!" Toga's voice was an octave higher as he scolded Denki.

Denki felt like vomiting. This was the first time he had ever seen death up close. The smell of blood hung in the air, and bodies littered the surroundings, whether from the hooded group, the adventurers fighting them, or the civilians caught in the crossfire.

He felt something rising inside his stomach, nausea hitting him hard. "Look around, Denki! You can either help here or leave! I can't babysit you right now; I need to keep those who can't fight safe." Toga's voice cut through the chaos, snapping Denki out of his thoughts.

"I-I want to help," Denki stuttered, his skin pale, sweating heavily, and his body cold.

"Then help! Get your head out of your ass and help!" Toga turned and rushed into the midst of the chaos, where adventurers fought for their lives and the safety of the city.

Denki took a deep breath, smelling the iron in the air. His eyes caught a glimpse of the stage, where his captain was also fighting for his life against these people.

'What the hell am I doing?' he thought to himself. He heard a scream nearby and saw a little boy crying as he shook the corpse of his mother, crying for her to wake up.

Further down, he saw an elf, smiling as she walked towards the boy, licking her bloodied sword.

Denki didn't even think twice. His body moved automatically, rushing towards the boy. With a feral scream, he raised his sword and slashed down at the female elf, cutting the head off of her. His very first kill.

He then picked up the boy, and rushed out to safety, carrying the child along with him.


In a different part of the stands, Finn and his familia were also engaged in battle. Finn moved with extreme prejudice, not hesitating to drive his spear straight into the hearts of the Evilus members.

Riveria was busy casting healing spells on the wounded adventurers in her vicinity while providing support with offensive magic against the grunts.

Gareth stood at the very front line, alongside Bete. They mowed down the Evilus members without mercy.

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