Chapter 6

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*August PoV*

It's been four days since the attack happened, right now I'm walking side by side with the survivors, alongside the adventurers going back home from their expedition outside Orario. They've really never told me why they're outside the city, and I don't care as much but I'm nonetheless thankful because of it, since they were able to help us, or at least whatever remained of us in that village against the monsters.

There were a total of eight survivors including me who were saved because of the adventurers, and we are currently walking with them to our new home. Orario. I had heard stories from my father about the city.

He said that it was brimming with life, that there are people everywhere, and that adventuring in the dungeon is what most people strive for in the city.

All I'm bringing in the journey is the leather bag I picked up back home, filled with clothes, and the spear that used to belong to my father, now mine. Beowulf.

I look around me, seeing the faces of the other survivors, seeing how down and stress out they all look. everyone who survived lost someone that day and are now looking for a new start, a start that we might find in Orario.

Mister Finn and Miss Mia had been kind to us, feeding us and helping us with our needs for the journey, and I'm thankful for the help that they give. They said that Orario is a land of opportunities, that we can live a better life there. So the villagers packed up and left along with them, towards Orario.

I myself joined them going to the city, but I have different plans, I want to go there not to get a new start on my life, but to get stronger, to get strong enough to kill every single monster there is.

I feel my spear vibrate at my back as I thought of slaying and killing, it rested snugly behind me inside a cloth that I wrapped it in. Fully supporting my endeavors and will for revenge.

"August." A voice called out to me, I looked at the side seeing Miss Shakti looking at me.

I look at her acknowledging her call as I wait for her to continue. "You've been through a lot and I--."

"Miss Shakti, please stop... all of us have been through a lot." I stopped her, smiled, and looked ahead. "I'll be Ok, I made a promise that I must keep, so I'll do my best to move forward and focus on being stronger for them."

"Ok... but know that the Ganesha familia's door is always open for you."

I thought about what she said, The Ganesha familia, the familia my father belonged to in his adventuring days. From what I heard from him the familia specialized in capturing monsters for their coliseum. They aren't really diving deep in the dungeon except for the higher level ones, and supporting other familia who explore deep into the dungeon.

Knowing that, it'll be a long time before I have the strength to join the deep dungeon divers of the familia, and strength is what I need right now.

Still a familia that my father joined would be a good place to start.

"Th-" as I was about to answer, someone in front screamed and warned us that monsters are attacking up front.

"Shakti take care of the civilians." mister Rajesh who suddenly appeared out of nowhere ordered, as he took his weapon off his back, it was a pair of katara, he told me a few days earlier about them as he caught me looking curiously at it.

He rushed in front along with the others and few adventurers stayed back to protect us from the monsters.

My spear vibrates violently as it wants blood, my hand moving, inches closer to Beowulf as my eyes are glued to the monsters, goblins who are blocking the way.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now