Chapter 118

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Bell woke up early, feeling a bit tense and rigid from the actions yesterday. He wanted to move his body a bit, maybe work up a sweat and have a quick bath at the lake to loosen his body up.

Groggily walking to the forest, his eyes still adjusting to the bright light of the morning, he stretched his body, yawning as he walked.

Suddenly, he was yanked to the side. He tried to scream, but someone covered his mouth. He flailed, trying to get away, but a familiar voice made him relax. "Bell, stay low. You don't want to interrupt this." It was Hermes. Bell then got a good look at who was holding him down, seeing the familiar face of Asfi.

"I'm gonna let go now; keep your voice down." Asfi slowly removed her palm from Bell's mouth. She then continued, "I placed an artifact that would mask our sound, but we can never be too careful... When it comes to the Gaé bulg."

Bell was a bit confused; his eyes were filled with question marks. 'Gaé bulg? Why?' But his question was soon answered as Hermes, with a playful smile, pointed at the front, at August and Ryuu who were facing each other with their weapons drawn.

"The two of them are gonna spar. Now, I suggest you keep your eyes peeled on this one, young Bell... It's not every day that you get to see two high-level adventurers go at it." Hermes chuckled.

Bell could feel his body becoming energized, gone was the tiredness he felt after a not-so-great sleep. His whole focus was now on the spar that would be happening. Hermes saw this and smiled; well, he can't blame him. He too is also excited to see this. The god put his attention back on the two, and with a small smile, he muttered, "They're starting."

Bell's eyes gleamed as he saw the two get into their stances, one with his spear, and the other, dual-wielding her weapons. He kept his concentration at the max, not wanting to miss anything from the two. Like Hermes said, it was not every day that he could get to see two high-level adventurers duking it out.


August could sense four individuals inside his mana dome, three if you exclude Ryuu, who was standing in front of him. Well, it was not like he cared if people wanted to watch.

He kept his eyes on Ryuu; he could see that the elf was relaxed and composed. For him, that was a good sign; after all, it showed confidence—something he could respect. His gaze looked down at her feet; her left was her lead, slightly bending to the ground, while her right was straightened up. His gaze moved up, seeing her carrying two weapons, with the wooden sword at the back while her katana-like blade was in her left hand at the front.

'Dual wielding, prioritizing speed and agility... No opening whatsoever, but her stance leans on the offensive... She wants to make the first move.' August gauged Ryuu's stance in a matter of seconds after seeing it. He knew then and there that the elf was an offensive fighter, someone who's like him. 'Well, if she wants to make the first move... Let's give her an opening.' He shifted his left leg to the side, opening his middle for an attack, while he positioned his spear at an angle to the right, giving her enough time to attack if she'll take it.

Ryuu's eyes sharpened because of the shift in August's stance. It was obvious, and for the elf, it was nothing short of a provocation. 'He's looking down on me.' Ryuu thought as she gripped her two weapons tightly. 'Very well... If you want me to attack... So be it!'

Like a laser, Ryuu dashed towards August, her weapon glowing green as she willed her mana into it. It was almost instantaneous how she moved.

August's eyes widened for a bit. 'Fast!' he thought. He didn't expect this sort of speed coming from a level 4. He shifted his stance a bit, preparing himself to receive the blow. But at the moment he positioned his spear to block Ryuu's attack, the elf vanished from his sight.

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