Chapter 66

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The moment Ganesha gave the signal to begin, the two fighters unleashed their mana, simultaneously a dome of pure mana formed from the two expanding in size to cover the whole stage.

"Tsk." August clicked his tongue, he got to admit, the old samurai got him beat in the technique. He was in a mixture of frustration and awe as he watched Toga's mana dome dwarfing his own.

Seemingly out of nowhere a slash came towards August, the old samurai was the one who made the first move.

This caught August off guard, he was able to raise his spear to block, his eyes widened as inches before the katana and his spear made contact, the blade curved at an impossible angle. It's as if the blade dodged his spear.

His reflexes kicked in, and with an impossible maneuver of his own, he bent his body to dodge the incoming blade. He was in an awkward stance, which made his counter more surprising for Toga.

August countered by stabbing straight at Toga's chest, the old man leaned to the side letting the spear pass by him, he then unleashed a cleaving slash from below.

August again moved his spear to block. "Tsk." He clicked his tongue in annoyance as the katana shifted and curved to a different angle. Again it dodged his spear and went straight to his ribs.

Seeing this, August kicked the shaft of his spear making it spin and position it to block the blade. It hit the spine of the katana which offset its course, missing his body by an inch.

August swirled, using the momentum, he swept his spear down Toga's feet. The old samurai jumped to dodge, August continued the motion of his spin and delivered a spinning side kick to Toga who was in mid air.

Toga smiled, he finds August impressive, being able to attack him at that angle is a feat not everyone can do, but he won't let some youngster one up him.

Raising his feet up, Toga looked like he kicked the air to gain more lift, and with a fluid motion he steeped on top of August's feet that was kicking.

Toga then loaded mana into his blade and slashed downward, but August was a tad bit faster on his follow-up.

Using his spear for balance, August stabbed the floor below and jumped into a kick using his other leg, twisting his body, and spinning like a top, performing an enziguri that aimed at Toga's head.

Toga abandoned his slash, he leaned left letting gravity take hold of his body as he fell sideways, dodging the kick in the process, he then slashed, this time upwards towards August's chest.

August pushed on his spear making his body shoot right, dodging the blade with very little space for comfort. He then pulled the spear out of the ground and using one hand he slashed vertically, the spear heading towards the old samurai at terrifying speed and accuracy.

'He's adaptable as well.' Toga thought as he let the momentum of his swing carry him into spinning, also dodging the spear head at a hairs width, and using his free arm he balanced himself via flip to get back on his feet.

August also landed on his feet, and as soon as he touched solid ground, he loaded mana into the soles of his feet and charged towards the old samurai, the ground cracking from his force.

Toga stood his ground, opting to wait for the young adventurer, he took a modified version of the basic far easter stance with the katana placed in front of him and his lead leg tilting slightly to the left. 'He's defense is good, how about his offense.' he thought as he planted his feet firmly into the ground.

August raised a brow at the old samurai's defensive approach but paid it no mind. He smirked. 'He's testing me.' he thought as he continued his charge. 'Very well... I'll show you something that'll blow your mind old man.'

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