Chapter 114

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There was a sense of awe in the air as every adventurer had their eyes glued at the back of August, he stood alone in front of the horde of monsters and the gigantic black Goliath, a small smile plastered on his face, confident and unafraid. Hell, he looks even excited.

They watched as he held his spear, red lightning cracking all over his body, tinting the whole floor with its radiance.

The black Goliath roared, making the other monsters berserk, like ordering them to charge at the lone mortal who was standing, and everyone could see, that even the monstrous being that almost took all of their life, is wary of August. Its eyes not leaving the mortal's body.

The monsters started moving, inching closer towards August, wary and careful on their approach, while he stood their, unmoving, just staring at them. Denki saw this and moved besides his captain, he had a slight limp, due to fatigue and injuries. "Do you want us to take care of the small fries?" he asked.

August smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "Nah... You've already done your part. You deserve a rest... As a matter of fact, all of you deserve a rest. I'll take care of it." he cracked his neck and started at the black Goliath. "And I really need to shake the rust that had formed in my body... Also, I need to show off the the new guys right?"

Bell who was listening to their conversation stood up in protest. "There's too many of them! We can help!" He voiced out.

August looked back and saw the white haired adventurer, determination and fire in his eyes, gripping his daggers on the ready. "As I said, I'll take care of this... You guys should just rest." He answered as he walked confidently towards the monsters.

"We-" Bell wanted to argue that even he can't take all of that numbers, but he was cut off before even managing to form a complete sentence. As August's mana burst forth, dwarfing everyone in the 18th floor.

The whole space shook, everyone felt a sinister aura creeping into every crevices of the 18th floor, the feeling of death gripped their very core, they can't breath, their hearts beating fastly, threatening to jump out of their chest.

A large wolf like creature appeared in a silhouette behind August, the embodiment of death walking towards his prey.

Red crimson lightning crackled in the air, growing larger in larger, like a flood of blood it expanded, coiling all over his body.

The adventurers felt death's scythe placed around their neck, its hand grasping their hearth, clenching as even breathing started to hurt.

Lili who was besides Bell fainted, her body couldn't handle such power, blood leaking out her nose, eyes and mouth. Bell tried to catch her but his body wouldn't move, not it was only shaking uncontrollable, and like flies, adventurers who were too weak to handle the power August is releasing started to fall, bleeding on every orifice. Convulsing uncontrollable.

But that was for the mortals, for the gods, it felt even worse, Hestia vomited as her senses are screaming for her to run, the primal fear latching on her body, it felt disgusting, like she was drowning in muck, cold sweat soaking her body, her aura leaking without her consent. Her instinct doing everything it can to defend her.

Hermes a mad smile on his face, clutches his heart, he held himself better than Hestia, but the god could feel the primal fear induced by the weapon on his system, he wanted nothing more than to leave this place, but his curiosity and desire to see what would happen was stronger.

"This is too much..." Helga was in disbelief, she knew August was strong, but to think that he was this strong, it made her feel small.

Everyone has different reaction, but all felt the same, a primal fear of death was filling their senses, urging them to run.

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