Chapter 67

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I know that there's no schedule release for new chapters today, but as I said, I write and release chapters on the spot. And as I was sitting on the white porcelain throne, imagination struck me so I had to write it before I forget about it.

Anyway, let's get on with the chapter.


Deafening sounds echoed repeatedly all throughout the amphitheater as August chased down Toga.

August unleashed a barrage of spear strikes not giving the old samurai a chance to retaliate. His attack hit everything inside the stage but Toga, who was dodging the blows with a smooth and practice movement.

The stage was a mess because of August, rubbles are littering everywhere, craters forming with every swing, yet no attack came even close to touching the old man.

This would have made any fighter frustrated, but August kept his calm. He was analyzing the fight as it goes. 'It's like what Denki said... This old man is slippery as hell.' He thought as he stabbed his spear forward only for Toga to side step out of harm's way. 'I could have used the sparrow there, make the spear curve to follow him. But if I miss it, I'll lose the elements of surprise.' August kept on attacking, waiting for the opportunity to make that decisive move.

'It's like he knows what I'll be doing and moves with that knowledge in mind. Precognition perhaps? No... I don't think it is. It's experience.' August delivered a strike from below, climbing up horizontally towards Toga's head.

The old samurai leaned to the right and moved his katana to intercept the strike, tilting the blade ever so slightly in his direction. The spear slides on the katana, missing Toga by a small margin.

Toga saw an opening, his sword glowed momentarily but he decided to jump back to gain more distance away from August.

'Sneaky brat.' Toga couldn't help but applaud the skill of August. He was almost lured into a trap, thankfully his instinct warned him just in time.

"Tsk." August clicked his tongue, his mind was processing everything, he was calculating how the old man moved in every situation he threw at him.

From the outside, it looked like August was pressuring Toga into a retreat, but the old samurai was actually the one controlling the pace of the fight, leading August by the nose, making him move the way he wants him to move, he's dodge looked effortless and smooth. But every strike he dodged, a shiver crept up his body. 'This kid is adapting well... It's frightening how level headed he is. He feels like a beast observing his prey.'

Toga couldn't do anything but dodge, his instincts are telling him so. Even with all the openings he can spot in August's attack. 'He's baiting me. The opening is something only a skilled fighter could see. Even with my mana dome up, it's well hidden enough that it only opens up for a fraction of a second.' He smiled nervously. 'A fraction of a second that he knows only I could spot... Youngsters these days are quite terrifying.'

August gave chase, he was still on the attack as Toga continued to dodge everything the young adventurer threw at him. Their intricate game of cat and mouse continued as their mind moved at extreme speed, processing everything inside the stage.

Most people couldn't see it, but the two are having a fight within the fight, the two of them are playing a deadly game of chess, trying to out maneuver one another, searching for that one strike to tilt the game to their advantage.

August with his talent and Toga with his experience. Their dance continues, mesmerizing the crowd deeper into their deadly game.


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