Chapter 21

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"Eh?" August was laying on his back with an assortment of weapons pointed right at him.

"What the fuck are you?" Bete aimed his weapon at August's neck. He still can't forget about the magic that he sensed earlier that day.

"Huh?" August was confused though, 'why are they asking me such a question, I am clearly human.'

"Don't play dumb with m-"

"ENOUGH!" Bete's words were cut off as Finn's voice stopped him. "Let him go."

"He clearly has some sort of forbidden magic and you want to let him go?"

"Yes." Finn's firm words made Bete go quiet, he pulled his weapon back and with a click of his tongue he took a step back away from August. The other followed suit.

"Are you sure about this Finn?" Tiona asked his captain as she also took a step back away from August. "That magic is dark, I'm sure everyone of us felt that magic."

"Yes. I know this boy." Finn answered as he looked at the downed August. "He is a good kid."

"If you say so..."

Finn walked closer towards August and offered him his hand. "Hey there August... Long time no see."

August smiled and took Finn's hand. "Hello mis- Finn."

He pulled August up and looked at him from top to bottom. He still couldn't believe that that terrifying magic came from him earlier. But he did remember from Riveria that the child really hated monsters.

"You've grown August." he smiled at him. "Now then care to explain what that was."


It took almost an hour for August to tell Finn everything, and he did not miss any detail at all, from his training with Heracles, his travel towards Orario, his registration in the adventurers guild, and the events of today. August was a mumbling mess. Well he did look up to Finn when he was young, he viewed him as a hero who saved him and they bonded quite a bit in their travels together.

August was still smart enough to hide his status as his god insturcted him to. He also hid some part of what happened earlier, and just summed it up as him receiving a bit of help from his weapon which garnered the curiosity of Bete, the twins, and Ais, who no Idea of Beowulf. The 3 veterans who had felt Beowulf magic back in the village believe the story but knows that there's more to it than what August is telling them.

August really missed Finn, as well as everyone on that journey with him, for a short moment, he viewed everyone there as family, and they have treated him as such.

"And that's what happened."

"You've had quite an adventure kid, and l can see that you've become strong now."

"Well I did make a promise." August smiled as he said that, but Finn felt a hint of sadness, he was there when August said his promise, he knows the path that August wants to take and it isn't a path that he wants the young man to take. But he said nothing of it.

"Let's continue our talk when we reach floor 18. We still need to patch you up..." Finn stopped on his words, August's wounds are actually healed, he can't believe it. 'It's the same as Ottar.' he thought to himself. He doesn't know that the spear was the one who healed August. He thought it was one of his skills.

"I don't think that's necessary. As you can see... I'm all healed up." he smiled and continue. "I'd love to continue our chat, but I really need to get going now. I still some chores to do for the old man."

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now