Chapter 63

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Blood spluttered in the air as the crowd let out a collective gasp.

Tione eyes widened as she felt her blade penetrating flesh, and then she was thrown far by a blunt force which sent her slamming to the ground.

The Amazon shook her head to shake off the dizziness as she slowly got up, her eyes glaring in front as sweat trickled down her face. "Well... That's unexpected." She mutters as she takes her stance.

Her eyes traveled down Shakti's legs where she saw a dead hard armored, an armadillo like monster that could be found in the 11-12 floors in the dungeon, and at her side a silverback, holding a large wooden club. But that's not all.

Right in front of Tione stood Shakti, along with multiple monsters snarling and glaring at the Amazon. Shakti smiled as she twirled her spear. "Well I am a tamer after all..." as she said that all of the monsters around her roared loudly.

Monsters such as silverbacks, hard armored, hellhounds, firebirds, bad-bats, and lygerfangs. All totaling to a number of 25 monsters in total, with the majority of them being the hellhounds.

"I could have brought more... but I reckon this is enough." Shakti smiled as she said those words, hearing it, the crowd cheered loudly.


Loki who was at the VIP room stood up and started to complain. "Hey!!! What the hell!!! This should be a one on one match!!! She should be disqualified!!!" She wailed as she pointed towards Shakti.

"Afraid not." She was answered by Hermes who was smiling playfully. "Every arsenal the adventurers have is allowed... Shakti is a tamer, and her monsters are to be considered as her weapons. Therefore it is legal."

"Bullshit it is!!! The match is supposed to be one on one. How in the ever living shit is that one on one?" Loki spoke with utter annoyance clear in her voice.

"That's what you get when you laze around when we were discussing the rules." Hermes answered while shaking his head. "Fact of the matter is, what Shakti is doing is legal... But why are you worried? Tione can kill all of that monster with her eyes close."

"Naive as always Hermes." Freya was the one who answered gaining the look from everyone in the room. "Well I guess that's to be expected from a non-combatant such as yourself." she spoke while twirling the red wine on her glass as she kept her focus on the match.

Hermes shrug and sigh. "Well you got me there."

Loki pulled her attention back to the match as she watched with a bitter look on her face. As much as she wanted to argue about the legality of it, what was done was already done. She could only hope Tione can pull through.

Hermes was right, Tione could kill every monster in the stage in her sleep, hell even with both hands behind her back she could do it, but there were two factors that made the task difficult with her current predicament.

The first is that those monsters were trained, they were stronger than what they were inside the dungeon, and they can do basic formation and attack, follow basic commands. Still even with that they would still be no match for the Amazon. But the second factor is were things became tricky for Tione.

Shakti was among her attackers, Tione needs to be constantly vigilant about her, she has to guard incoming attacks from the monsters while also that of Shakti's. After all, the two of them are equally match.

Loki bit the nail on her thumb, as of right now, Tione was in a disadvantageous position, her only chance was to get rid of the monsters fast. But Shakti would probably not allow that.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now