Fuck Me

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Ladies and gentlemen of wattpad, I would like to tell you a tale of a dumb idiot who goes by the name of TheManCandy...

It was a week like any other, part-time job here, drinking coffee there, TheManCandy was having the same routine he has everyday, and now without worrying about collage he found himself more free, he spent most of his time with his kid, and his lovely partner.

But that was when tragedy struck...

See TheManCandy thought that after graduation he's trouble in school would all be over, that he'll get to relax, find a more lucrative job than what his part-time job has to offer, maybe drink a beer or two while at it.

But no... His group mates just have to fuck it all up... With only printing the hard copies and book binding to go... One of TheManCandy's group mates lost our flash drive I.E, all of our files and hard work in their thesis.

And because of it, TheManCandy now has to pull an all nighter to write the whole thing up again, go to a computer cafe when it's done, have it printed, and have it book-binded, travel to another city and pass it before the deadline comes.


I wanna fucking scream!!!


P.S. sorry for the rant, I just wanted to vent, and since none of you know me, I reckon this is the safest place to vent one's frustration.

Now sorry but I couldn't post a chapter today. (Just when the fight was getting good and my imagination was running wild.) I have to clean a fuck up because I was idiotic enough to trust this to them.

I don't think I can post on Friday as well, but we'll see. (The fucking thesis is so fucking long!)

Anyway all of you, have a great day, hopefully better than mine. Love y'all.


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