Chapter 58

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"How utterly predictable..."

Taka's eyes widened, chills ran up his spine, his eyes caught a glimpse of a smile, a predatory smile.

As Taka's weapon was inches away from Loch's head, the pallum moved surprisingly quick, like a snake his hands slivered around Taka's, holding him right under his elbow while still dodging his katar.

And in one fluid motion, Loch pulled Taka on the ground placing the adventurer on top of him, he wrapped his legs on his neck and squeezed tightly. Loch had countered Taka's finishing blow with a triangle choke.

'Fuck... Sneaky bastard.' Taka thought while trying his best to bend his right elbow in order to loosen the pressure on his neck. "Arghh." he was grunting and wailing, his left trying desperately to reach Loch, but the pallum had a great position, he placed his knees tactically not allowing for Taka to stab him with his free arm.

"Give up." Loch spoke, his voice cold and firm, his hold on Taka becoming tighter and tighter. "You've fought well, there's no shame in admitting defeat."

Seeing that his left hand couldn't reach Loch, Taka gave up on that idea, his right elbow was getting tired with it Loch was able to squeeze in some more pressure on his neck. His vision was getting darker, his face was becoming blue from the lack of oxygen. Still there was still some fight left in him.

'Give up?' Taka thought to himself. He then looked at the pallum, the two fighters eyes met, both of them had filled with fire and determination to win. Taka spoke with a strained voice. "N-Never... I-I w-will win... N-no matter w-what!" after that his right elbow gave out, allowing Loch to full control of Taka's neck.

"You fool!!!" Loch clicked his tongue and grimaced, he respected Taka's determination, but not giving up now is a fools errand, especially with their position. Loch tightened the hold even more with the intention of putting Taka to sleep.

But suddenly, the alarm bells inside Loch's head sounded, his instinct of which he trusted above all else screamed for him to run. As he was face to face with Taka he saw his lips slowly rising to a smile.

His right hand that was inside of Loch's hold slowly opened, with it Loch realized what Taka was about to do.

"This mad man!" Loch tightened the hold even more, he became desperate in putting Taka to sleep at this moment.

"Fi-Fire..." as soon as he heard Taka spoke, Loch activated his ancient magic and shadow walked away from the adventurer.

Taka was free, he coughed heavily as he tried desperately to chase his breath. All this time his palm was still pointing towards the pallum.

"You're such a mad man!" Loch smiled as he stared at Taka. "You would have taken yourself with that as well."

"I-I told you... *cough* I'll win this no matter what." Taka answered as he slowly got up on his feet. "Even if it means risking my body for it."

Loch stared at the adventurer from Ganesha familia, the fire in his eyes showed that he firmly believed that he would win. No matter the cost. He smiled at it, Taka Kumar was just like him, they are eerily similar. Both are tactical fighters who relied heavily on speed and technique, both have a strategic mind and would look for things to exploit to have the upper hand. Taka when he baited him earlier and Loch as well. But what was most similar is the two have this unshakable will to win.

"Taka Kumar..." Loch spoke. "I respect your resolve, but I will win this match and move on to the finals." he then got in his stance, pulling two daggers out of his back pouch. "You on the other hand, is an obstacle in my way. And I will beat you!"

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