Chapter 95

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Bell sat looking down as Eina scolded him non-stop; something about running in the street covered in blood isn't really an image that should be shown by an adventurer in public.

"Sorry..." Bell could only apologize as he scratched the back of his head.

Eina sighed, unable to stay mad at the cute adventurer who looked like a wet rabbit now that the blood was all cleaned up. "So let me get this straight... You want to know everything there is about Ais Wallenstein of the Loki familia, right?"

Bell's face lit up as his eyes suddenly snapped in attention, a dazzling gleam sparkled as he nodded repeatedly.

"Well, what can I tell you that the public doesn't already know? She's a pretty private person, you know. A level 6 adventurer, she leveled up just two and a half months ago..." The elf paused as she clenched her hand and looked down. Ais was able to level up due to her participation in the amphitheater incident, and for Eina, even talking about the event made her feel dark, crippling emotions bubbling to the surface.

She shook her head, trying to erase the memory of that day, as she forced a smile back on her face. "Known for her skill in the sword, she earned the alias Sword Princess; she is also one of the top executives of the Loki familia." She looked at Bell, a look of pity momentarily showing on her face.

"I already know all of that stuff." Bell's voice sounded a bit down; everything Eina said was standard knowledge that everyone in the city already knew. "How about her likes? Her favorite food? Hobbies?" His voice started to sound energetic again as he asked a torrent of questions.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? She's a pretty private person... And she's a member of the Loki familia." The elf sighed as she held a soft look toward Bell. "Look, I know you know what that means, right? With you being a member of the Hestia familia."

Bell's shoulders slumped slightly, disappointment evident in his eyes. "I just... I admire her a lot, you know? I want to be strong like her."

Eina softened, understanding the earnestness in Bell's voice. "I get it, Bell. Ais is incredible, and it's natural to look up to someone like her. But remember, everyone has their boundaries, their secrets. Even heroes need their privacy."

Bell nodded, absorbing Eina's words, though the longing in his eyes didn't waver. "I guess you're right. It's just... I wish I could talk to her, learn from her directly."

Eina gave him a reassuring smile. "You never know, Bell. Orario is full of surprises. Maybe you'll get your chance one day. In the meantime, focus on your own journey. Who knows? Maybe you'll create your own path to becoming a hero."

Bell's expression brightened a little at the thought. "You're right, Miss Eina. I won't give up. I'll keep training and working hard. Maybe one day, I'll be strong enough to catch her attention."

With newfound determination, Bell thanked Eina and stood up, his resolve evident in his eyes. "I'll see you later, Miss Eina. Thanks for listening."

As he walked away, Eina watched him with a mix of concern and hope. She knew that the path of an adventurer was challenging, but Bell's unwavering spirit was a beacon of light in the midst of Orario's darkness.

"*Sigh* Honestly... I don't know what I'll ever do with you, Bell..." Eina muttered as she watched the back of the white-haired boy as he joyfully walked out of the adventurers guild.

"LOVE YOU, MISS EINA!!!" Bell glanced back and waved as he shouted gleefully toward the elf.

Eina turned red as blood rushed into her face; the adventurers inside the guild started to chuckle and whistle, which made her even more embarrassed and red, resembling Bell when he was covered in blood. "B-B-B-Bell!" she quickly covered her face and apologetically bowed at the other patrons inside the guild, her eyes glancing at the exit where the young boy left.

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