Chapter 16

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*Heracles PoV*

We finally arrived at the dungeon city of Orario, one thing that I can say is that this city sure is noisy. As people from all walks of life live their daily lives, merchants selling their products, and consumers bargaining for a lower price, the place is brimming with energy.

I spotted a few strong adventurers making their way to a pub, some heading home after a long day of dungeon diving. In short the city itself is pretty much alive from all the activities that are happening around it.

I made my way inside but was stopped at the gate, the guard asked me for identification which I gave and he was rather apologetic after knowing that I wasn't any common folk. I am a great and mighty god after all.

"sorry about that lord Heracles. It was just a standard procedure for travelers entering the city."

"It's quite ok child... You are just doing your job." I was about to leave then I remembered that I really don't know where to go after this. In my knowledge most of the transactions from a new god descending is at the adventurers guild, well I'm not exactly a fresh descent It was still my first time in this city. "Child, can I ask you to guide us towards the adventurers guild. This child right here is a member of my familia and I would like to register him and myself to be recognized as an official one."

"Certainly lord." the guard bowed before calling for someone. "Edwin!!!"

A young man came running down, as he bowed his head towards the guard and me, I can see that his movements are polished.

"This here is Edwin, one of my men. He can guide you personally towards the adventurers guild my lord."

I looked at the young boy, from what I can see he has a good build, he's been trained, I don't know to what extent but by his gait, this kid can fight.

"I'll be at your service my lord."

"Hmmm..." I nodded my head, and looked to my right only to find that my child is goggling at everything and everyone like a toddler. "August! We're going."

"Coming lord."

August made his way towards me and I can clearly see young Edwin carefully watching his move, his judging him, interesting...

"August this young man right here is Edwin, he will be our guide in this city."

August and Edwin looked at each other, from what I can see they are gauging each other's strength.

August was a little bit childish though, as he released a portion of his mana and bloodlust directed towards the young man. Making him jump back with his hand moving towards the hilt of his blade.

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue and smacked the back of his head. "Let's go. We don't want to waste daylight now." I said urging Edwin to lead the way.

He blinked a couple of times before straightening himself as he removed his hands away from his sword.

"Right this way my lord."

Moments later we arrived in front of a large building, many mortals are coming in and out of it, from the looks of it they are quite strong. This part of the city is particularly busy as the mortal traffic became a little more pronounced compared to the rest of what I could see.

"Here we are my lord. The adventurer guild." (img not mine.) Edwin bowed as he prepared to leave us after he was done with his task.

"Wait child." I stopped him and tossed a bag filled with about 500 valis towards the boy. "For your trouble."

He smiled and bowed even deeper as he clutched the bag towards his chest. "Thank you my lord." He then made his way back towards the gate.

"What a nice young man, good manners and respectful." I gave a sidelong glance towards the toddler who is in daze at everything he is seeing right now. "Unlike someone I know."

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now