Chapter 47

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*August PoV.*

I made my way out of the amphitheater, watching adventurers play with monsters for sports wasn't really appealing for me.

I can't blame them though, they want to put on a show for the crowd, for their cheer and adoration, but it just isn't for me. After all this time I still feel anger when I'm around monsters.

The street was almost empty as most of the population was inside watching the event, walking in this beautiful town without that extensive noise was nice to be honest. It feels calm and relaxing.

"Captain!" I heard Denki calling out to me, I turned in the direction of the voice and saw him running at me. He stopped right in front of me and started asking a barrage of questions. "I heard there was a change of plan for the event. Was it true? They said it was a test of some sort. Did you pass? How did you do? Are they strong? What was the tes-"

"Woah woah! Slow down." I cut him off. "Come on... Let's talk on the way home." I urge him to walk with me back to our place.

"Huh? Home?" he asked confused. "how about the monster feria? Are you not gonna watch?"

"Nah... It's just a bunch of level 5 runner-ups who didn't make the tournament playing with monsters so much weaker than them." I shrugged as I made my way in the streets, Denki following behind me. "I would rather be home resting for tomorrow."

"So you did pass!" He said excitedly. "How many of you are fighting tomorrow? Are they strong?"

And there he was again. "Was there ever any doubt that I wouldn't pass?" I asked him teasingly, which made him shale his head no. "well to answer your question... There are 16 of us fighting tomorrow. From what I understand when they explain the rules earlier, we would be placed in two brackets of 8 participants. We then drew lots in order to determine our placing. I drew 4-b by the way. Each bracket will fight it out until only one remains and the winner of the two brackets will face each other in the finals" I explained the rules to him as we passed by some stalls who were selling skewers.

The smell of it made my stomach growl as its fragrance tickled my nose. "Let's buy something to eat first. My treat."

I bought two chicken skewers and gave one to Denki which he accepted almost instantly making me chuckle a bit. I paid the lady selling it and continued our way back home.

"So including the finals you'll be fighting four times?" After taking a mouth full of the chicken he spoke.

"That's the gist of it." I answered and took a bite of the chicken as well. It was extremely juicy and was seasoned to perfection. A little spice would have been perfect but still it was delicious for its given price. "as for the question if they're strong..." I paused as I looked at Denki and smiled viciously at him, my mana flickered from excitement. "They are monsters."

Denki looked at the front seemingly thinking about what he heard. His eyes longed for strength as he listened to me. "...Can you win?"

He asked me a question, a question I've been asking myself since I left the amphitheater. Can I win? To be honest I'm quite confident in beating everyone of them, but the tournament will only last for three days. One day for bracket A and the other for bracket B, the last day is for the finals. That means I'll be fighting non-stop in 3 straight matches. The shitty thing is I'm in bracket B which means I'll only get very little rest if I ever win my bracket. And when I say I'm confident, it's because of my trump card, Endless battle. But I can't use it in this format.

If it was one on one I'm confident in winning against any one of the other 15. But this time I have to conserve energy, which means endless battle is out of the window.

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