Chapter 128

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"What a mess," Ozwald sighed as he plopped himself into the seat, his face exhausted. The other members of the familia all looked worse for wear; they did not expect an attack, especially from multiple familias.

"Tell me about it, everything's a mess," Jogu answered with a dry voice. "Bell wouldn't be happy when he wakes up."

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" A voice made the two jump, and they found Bell limping down the stairs, looking at them with an innocent confusion that made them gulp. "By the way, where is everyone?"

"Bell, you're awake?!" Jogu couldn't believe it; the healer said that it would take at least a week for him to wake up after the beating he received, much less walk. But here he is, awake and on his own two feet.

Ozwald stood quickly and ran beside Bell, wanting to help him stand straight; he was still on shaky legs, after all. "You shouldn't get out of bed yet!"

Bell scratched his head awkwardly and chuckled. "Well, I was thirsty. And besides, I feel restless and all cooped up just lying there."

Ozwald cursed at the timing of things, and Jogu was restlessly fidgeting, looking back at Heracles' office where the gods - Hestia and Heracles - as well as the newly appointed executives - August, Denki, Helga - were having a meeting about what happened today and what to do moving forward.

Bell noticed the fidgeting of Jogu but didn't want to comment on it, though he still wondered where everyone is. Especially his goddess Hestia. "So where are the others?"

Ozwald shared a look with Jogu; the two of them were at a loss on what to tell the young man. But a voice suddenly joined in on the conversation.

"Lady Hestia and Lord Heracles are at the office, along with the captain, Denki, and Helga." They turned to see Eira with her usual cold look standing at the entrance of the living room.

"Oh, how about Welf and Lili?" Bell nodded as Ozwald guided him to sit down on one of the vacant seats.

"Welf had gone back to the Hephaestus familia; he said that he'll be doing something. As for Lili..." Jogu answered, his eyes looking at his two comrades, asking for help on this one.

Eira sighed and answered straight to the point. "Lili has been taken by her familia."

Bell's eyes widened, while Jogu and Ozwald looked at Eira with a blank expression.

"W-what do you mean taken?" Bell had clenched his fist; Lili had told him all about her situation inside the Soma familia. He quickly stood up. "We need to get her ba-" Bell grimaced; the pain in his abdomen shot up when he tensed his body to move quickly.

"You are in no condition to do so." Ozwald gently pushed him back down to the seat. "Look at yourself; your wounds aren't even healed yet."

"I'm fine!" Bell bit his lips; his voice was more aggressive than what he wanted it to be.

"Kid, you need to rest." Jogu sighed while placing a hand on Bell's shoulder.

Bell looked at Jogu, seeing the blonde looking at him seriously, something that is rare for the resident goofball. He nodded as he gazed down on the ground, clenching his fist and biting his lips.

"What happened?" Bell asked, his voice shaking.

Jogu gave Ozwald a look; he really wasn't sure how to tell Bell. Ozwald had a look that seemed to say "Hey, don't look at me."

The two of them then moved their eyes toward the female mage, but she wasn't there anymore.

Ozwald sighed; he then sat beside Bell and started recalling everything that happened after he was rendered unconscious.

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