Chapter 83

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Long chapter today, as compensation for me not releasing one on friday, please receive this as an apology.

Heracles burst out the wall of the VIP room all the way out the stands as the large Chimera tackled him, the two mountains rolled down the seats, while they threw bombs at each other.

The two crashed at the east side of the amphitheatre, just below the VIP room. Heracles with one powerful clubbing blow, sent the chimera flying.

'I was caught off guard. For a mindless beast, that thing packs a punch.' He thought as he got up on his feet, his eyes glued to the chimera who was doing the same. 'But I feel insulted, Erebus is really underestimating me.'

*ROAR!* the chimera roared as it crouched low to the ground, preparing to pounce at Heracles. The god cracks his neck and smiles.

"Yeah yeah, you can roar. Let's just get this over with." Heracles said while he cracked his knuckles.

The chimera dashed towards the god, its claws poised to cleave right through him, its jaws wide open, as the sharp dagger sized teeth threatened to rip Heracles flesh by flesh.

The beast jumps mid air, beaming straight for Heracles neck. But the god just smirked at this. "Erebus really thinks that this thing can emulate my strength?" With speed that shouldn't be even possible with his size, Heracles took one step forward, cracking the ground with his first step, and as he loaded his entire body weight and physical strength forward, he delivered an overhand right. "60% will do." he mutters.

His fist connected at the dome of the chimera, a loud thunderous boom shook the very air. When his fist made contact, the head of the chimera exploded in a mushy pulp of flesh, blood, and bones. "What a joke." he sneered. 'this was supposed to be equal to my strength, how insulting.'

His fist traveled right through it, like it was nothing, and it wasn't even at full extension yet, his punch continued to travel forward, and as it reached full extension, it generated a shock wave that tore everything in front of him with how powerful the wind burst forth.

The wind generated by his punch created a hole at the amphitheater, breaking solid concrete like it was made of paper, and destroying everything in its path. 'that's a bit much. Should have only used 40%.'

The sound from his punch made every fight in the arena paused. Every eye traveled to the god of strength. Be it mortal, gods, or chimera.

August as well, his spear stopped mid way before delivering kill number 72 to lucius. His eyes were stuck at the image of Heracles, and he is mighty indeed.

Lucius who was at the receiving end also has his eyes glued to god. "T-That was the a-alpha... H-how?" his question flew on deaf ears. After all, everyone's attention was on Heracles.

"I got to get out of here!" Lucius almost yelled in panic, aside from Cain, the alpha chimera was supposed to be their strongest asset, but now it was gone, literally, the blow from Heracles shredded it to fine mush.

At the middle of the stage, Ottar and Cain also stopped their fight, the two level 7s understood, that with it, the tide of this fight had turned.

"Tsk." Cain clicked his tongue. "So much for the anti-Heracles plan." he groaned.

'Is that his full strength?' Ottar on the other hand is curious, he never saw a god that generates that much raw power without the aid of Arcanum, to be fair, he also has never seen a god use arcanum before.


Erebus eyes widened, at the VIP room, his chimeras are putting up a fight, after all, aside from the few gods who can fight, the majority of them are, as Hermes said, useless when it comes to a confrontation.

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