Chapter 98

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Denki and the rest of the familia arrived back home, the mood wasn't the best due to the unlucky experience they had in the dungeon.

But when they arrived, they never expected for things to be quite hectic. Hestia is having a panic attack, and it looks like Bell had returned from the dungeon riddled with injuries.

"What the hell happened here?" Helga asked while carrying Ozwald on his back.

"The idiot went to the 6 floor solo, and fought a mob all alone." Heracles answered; his voice carried a mix of intrigue and amusement. "Without any armor on and only carrying a dagger..." Heracles paused as he looked at his familia. "What the hell happened to you?!" he asked Ozwald who is currently being given a piggy back ride by Helga.

"Mob, 25th floor, unprepared." Denki answered plainly as he moved passed Heracles and went straight into his room. He really wasn't in the mood to socialize or to talk right now.

Heracles stared at the back of Denki as he was climbing the stairs, this was so unlike him, usually he'll go to the back after arriving to swing his sword, or go to Heracles to give a report. "That bad huh?" he muttered and looked at Helga who by now had placed Ozwald to the ground to stand on his own two feet.

"Yup... He pretty much already told you the gist of it..." She shrugs. "We were unlucky, we never expected to run into a mob at floor 25."

"Hmmm..." Heracles nods and looked at the other member of his familia, they looked worse for ware, while only one was heavily injured, the look on their face was not good, he knew that moral right now was at an all-time low. "Katty help Ozwald to the infirmary, Kiez, go to babel and call for a healer."

"Yes lord Heracles!" Kiez Lota answered, another new member of the Heracles familia who joined about a month ago, he was the freshest face in the familia and is quite young, only being 14, the same age as Bell. He is also a level 1, and he acts as the supporter, not really fighting, and only carrying the equipment of the team.

The youngster quickly ran out of the manor to follow Heracles' order, while the others moved to the infirmary to rest.

"Helga." Heracles' voice made Helga and the other stop to look back towards their god. "Met me in my office."

Heracles walked towards his office while his children stared at his back, wondering why he was calling for Helga, the veteran adventurer signed as she pushed the others to go to the infirmary and to rest up while she followed behind Heracles.


Heracles entered his office and went straight into his table, Helga was not far behind, entering a few seconds after the god.

"Close the door." Heracles voice made Helga a bit nervous, usually it was Denki who talked to Heracles after their dive, and to be frank, it was only her 2nd time being in her god's office.

Helga gulped as she stood in front of the mountain of a man, Heracles might have been sitting, but the aura surrounding him made him feel as if he was an imposing wall.

"Relax." Heracles opened. "You're too tense."

"Sorry mi lord." Helga answered, she didn't know why, but she was not usually this meek.

"I'm gonna go straight to the point... How is Denki when it comes to leading?" Heracles asked, his voice serious as he looked straight into Helga. "And I want your honest evaluation."

Helga sighs and replied. "To be honest mi lord... Denki is too green to lead." Helga answered, making sure to meet Heracles' gaze. "He's way too passive and cautious on his approach, and it feels like he's carrying a huge chip in his shoulders, like he has something to prove."

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