Chapter 57

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Ganesha feels the crowd as they cheer all over the stands, the energy inside the amphitheater was off the charts.

"Now these two fighters needs no further introduction. You all witness their skills, their strengths, their will to win in the first round." Ganesha made sure to hype the crowd, not that it needed any at this point. Still he was a showman through and through. "Now then, let us welcome the two warriors on the stage. At my RIGHT!!! THE ERRËSIRË!!! LOCH!!! ROJO!!!!"

Loch made his entrance under the wild screams of the crowd, on his face is a steal like determination, his eyes carried the fire of his will to win. He marched to the middle of the stage raising his right hand to the air to acknowledge the support everyone was giving him.




The screaming of the crowd reached his ears, he gotta admit, it felt good, but right now he has no time for it. Right now, he needs to focus on the task ahead.

"And to my LEFT!!!" Ganesha continued. "VIVAAD KARANEVAALA!!! TAKA!!! KUMAR!!!" Another round of wild cheers erupted as Taka made his way towards the stage. His strides were confident, a huge grin on his face. He waved to the crowd making them cheer louder.




A mix of loud cheer rained down for him, majority of it was from the female crowd, he is after all a good looking guy, and a pretty famous one to boot. He winked at the ladies in the crowd who in turn swooned all over him.

Phryne was among the crowd watching, she was fuming when she recalled how she lost, she was glaring at Taka who was all smiles while entering the crowd. "Arrogant bastard." she muttered with venom in her voice.

'That's what you get, you narcissistic bitch.' Aisha Belka who heard her curse the young man thought to herself. She really hated her captain, well to be fair all of Ishtar familia did. She ignored her mumbling and brought her attention back to the stage.

'So that's Loch Rojo.' Taka stared at his opponent, he was analyzing everything, from the way he stands, he walked, and even the way that he breathes. 'Damn... He really has no presence, it's as if he wasn't there at all.' "Tsk." he clicked his tongue, he couldn't read the pallum. Unlike Phryne who has her emotions in her sleeves, Loch was a blank slate. Even his information was a mystery.

Taka arrived in the middle where he came face to face with Loch. The two of them gave a respectful nod to one another, but their eyes are in constant alert for any opening they can find.

Ganesha wanted to say more but stopped. The eyes of the two fighters speak volumes, they are ready to start. "Both sides are ready... Let the match... BEGIN!!!"

As soon as Ganesha announced the start of the match Taka moved in to attack. Brandishing his Katar, he delivered a straight stab with his right.

"Tsk!" Loch clicked his tongue. He expected this, still Taka was much faster than what he had calculated. With a fast movement of his own, Loch intercepted the Katar with his Dagger, parrying it to the side and with a fluid motion he delivered a counter side kick.

With his right hand thrown off Taka blocked the kick with his left, bringing his elbow down to meet Loch's shin. A fracture of a second later he brought his hand down holding Loch's right ankle that was still up from his kick.

Taka pulled Loch towards him and jumped up, performing a flip, using the momentum to strike down with his right Katar.

Loch was off balance, but he was agile enough to dodge the attack on a paper thin margin. He moved his body out of the way by bending backwards, and with a flick of his left hand he launched one of his throwing daggers towards Taka.

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