Chapter 55

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Fast!!! Extremely fast!!! And strong to boot, those were the reactions of the crowd, mortals and gods alike.

Their weapons and mana battled for dominance as their two blades locked up with one another. The ground shook at their wake and both of their feet dug deep in the ground, neither giving an inch.

Edwin was the one who broke the deadlock, using his shield, he pushed Tiona back as he slammed it straight to her face.

A direct hit... Tiona's head whipped back as blood splattered from the hit, that hit broke her nose. The knight followed it up with another shield bash but the same trick won't work twice for the amazon.

She stabbed Urga straight to the ground right in front of her, using the ground as leverage she was able to block Edwin's assault and retaliated with an attack of her own.

Using Urga as a pole, she swung to the left and delivered a kick using both of her legs, Edwin saw it coming and moved his sword to meet it head on.

But he didn't expect the kick to be a faint. Tiona grit her teeth as she strained her muscles to stop her body from completing the motion. With a grunt she pulled her blade out and with bad intent slammed it straight down to the off balance knight who was fully expecting a kick instead of a slash.

"ARGHH!!!" Edwin wailed as Tiona's blade buried itself into her right shoulder, his armor doing little to stop the amazon's attack. She followed it up with a spartan kick straight at his gut which send him reeling back.

Tiona smiled, looking sinister and malicious because of her bloody face and broken nose. She chased after the knight at savage ferocity, she doesn't have a plan, all she has is the singular mindset, and that mindset is attack.

She brandished her blade and attacked with speed and power that is unimaginable with her build.

Edwin grimaced as he blocked the incoming barrage with his shield, every hit made his hand tremble and ache. Even so, Tiona wasn't able to break his implacable defense.

Tiona wild attacks has no pattern to exploit, her blade came from every angle and at breakneck speeds. Edwin can only defend but it was his specialty.

He earned his spot in Athena's pillars with his defense, his alias, the paladin was also a testament for this. Any other adventurer would have succumbed to the relentless attack of the amazon, but Edwin was like a wall, nay, a steel fortress that no one could penetrate.

The earlier hit was a mistake on his part, he was jealous of his fellow pillar who excels in offence. He wanted to be like them, to attack relentlessly, like the opponent he had in front of him, so he fought Tiona with the intent of exchanging blows and he suffered a clean hit because of it.

That exchange made him realized that he couldn't win against the amazon in sheer attacking force and exchanges. Sure he's able to keep up but she has more experience, skill, and talent in that regard.

You can say that it was her specialty... He on the other hand boast talent opposite of what she has. And he hates it, he wanted to be like his fellow pillars, like his mentor, like her. He is a peculiar individual, a mortal who has a high aggression and is by all account a person you may consider as a battle maniac, has little talent in offensive combat and excels in defense.

His talents are the complete opposite of his personality. And he hates it with a passion.

Tiona couldn't help but admire the man standing in front of her, she had tried everything in her arsenal of moves and attack, she even threw faints on the mix and he was still handling everything with flawless execution.

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