Chapter 141

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I'm back! Sorry for the long absent, was busy, stressed and tired and needed a break. IRL stuffs. Who knows adulting would be this stressful.

To be honest with y'all, I got lazy, was too tired to write, don't get me wrong, the ideas and everything are still coming, it's just fatigue I guess. It's hard to explain, I want to write, but my body and mind just felt tired after a busy day. Like I just wanna lie on my bed, cuddle with my wife, and relax. Like I said, adulting is hard.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story.


This chapter contains brutality, violence, and gore, readers discretion is advised.


*Chapter start*

August's spear crackled with violent lightning as it sliced through the air, heading straight for Hyakinthos' throat. His eyes gleamed with a violent, sinister light, single-mindedly aiming to kill.

Hyakinthos was caught off guard by the newfound speed August displayed. He tried to raise his blade to intercept but was too slow. August quickly exploited this, his spear ripping through the captain of Apollo Familia's throat with a bone-chilling squelch. Blood splattered and misted through the air, turning into red vapor due to the crackling heat of the lightning and the fiery inferno of his black miasma-like flames.

Hyakinthos' eyes widened. He hadn't expected August to possess such speed. He knew of his body enhancement magic, Endless Battle, but had thought the spear user had already used it. The pain was mind-numbing, his muscles tensing as thousands of volts of electricity tore through the fibers of his throat like tiny blades.

"SQUACHDJIE!!!" A gurgling sound of blood escaped from his mouth as the red substance quickly pooled down his throat. But August wasn't done. As soon as he finished his cut, he turned to the left, his spear leaving a trail of red lightning in its wake as he slashed at Hyakinthos' abdomen.

Another bone-chilling sound accompanied the flying blood and guts, quickly evaporating from the spear's energy. A gnarly, shredded wound appeared on Hyakinthos' stomach, his intestines falling to the ground, smoking from the heat.

Blood splashed onto August's face, burning and boiling his skin. Hyakinthos' blood felt like hot molten magma, but August paid it no mind. The look of pain and horror on Hyakinthos' face put a brief smile on his own.

Then it changed to a crazed grin. As Hyakinthos' eyes met his, a maddened gleam replaced the azure blue, now turned obsidian black. "Just kidding," Hyakinthos sneered, slashing his sword forward, black flames enveloping the blade.

August sensed danger as all the hair on his body stood on end. He jumped back but was a tad too slow. Overconfident in his victory, he hadn't expected the counterattack.

Hyakinthos' sword cut through August's left shoulder, making him grunt and wince in pain. His blood felt like it was boiling from the inside. He quickly turned mid-jump, mitigating some of the damage and creating space between him and Hyakinthos' burning black inferno.

He glared, gritting his teeth as he watched the wounds on Hyakinthos' body close, his flesh bubbling with a black substance as it mended. "Got your hopes up, didn't I?" Hyakinthos mocked, his tone hysterical. A fit of laughter followed as he held his stomach like a madman. "Y-you should have seen the look on your face! HAHAHAHA!!!" He wiped a tear of black sludge from his eye as his laughter died down.

August glared at Hyakinthos. He tried to move but stopped, feeling the stinging pain in his left shoulder run down towards his elbow. Glancing at the wound, he saw black veins bulging on his shoulder, running down his arm and up his neck. He could feel the corrosion in his flesh, an infection slowly eating him from the inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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