Chapter 96

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Hestia sat alone at the roof of Heracles manor, she had been living –freeloading– at the right residence for over 3 months now. And if you ask her, she will tell you that Heracles had been slaving her –even though he pays her to do the chores around the manor– for those 3 months.

She gazed at the stars while spouting some nonsense about a certain girl and a stupidly dense white haired youth that she had taken in as the first member of her familia. All because he received a skill, something that would help him grow, yet it bums her knowing what that skill meant.

"Liaris Freese huh?" Hestia mutters to herself as she dug her face to her knees while pouting like a child. "Stupid Bell... Even though he has me now."

"You know... The stars looks beautiful tonight, yet the look on your face just ruins the view."  a voice snapped the goddess out of her melancholic mood, quickly sitting straight as she fixed her gaze at the open door that leads to the roof.

"Heracles? What are you doing here?" Hestia asked, trying to hide the redness on her face. 'Out of all the people who here, this big oaf is the one who saw me being all dramatic!' she though to herself.

"This is still my house you know." Heracles chuckled as he walked besides Hestia. "Mind if I join you?" He casually asked while raising a bottle of fruit ale and two mugs.

"As you said... This is still your house." Hestia shrugs, gesturing for the seat besides her.

Heracles sat and pour a drink for him and Hestia, passing the full mug at the goddess at which she received and chugged greedily.

"So?" Heracles opened.

"So what?"

"So why are you being so dramatic at this time of night?"

Hestia spat the drink she was sipping and cough, as she repeatedly beat her chest. She looked at Heracles who was calmly drinking from his mug. "...."

"The thing about this part rooftop, it is placed right above my office... Do you know how fucking annoying it is to work, listening to you go on and on about how stupid Bell, and Ais is, while repeatedly saying that he already has you?"  Heracles asked, deadpan, while giving Hestia a side eye.

"Y-you heard all of that?" Hestia asked, stuttering while her neck, like a rusty machine, creak to look towards the god.

"This place isn't exactly sound proof you know." Heracles smirked knowingly, which made Hestia even redder. "So care to share?"

"...Fine." Hestia begrudgingly nods as she proceeded to tell Heracles about what happened today when she updated the status of her child, how bell received a skill, about how it worked.

"So... You're pouting because your child isn't as infatuated with you as you thought he was?" Heracles playfully asked after the lengthy rant that Hestia spouts. A amused smirk rose on his face.

"Oh shut up!" the goddess dug her face on her knees, trying to hide the embarrassment on her face.

"You know, you should look at the bright side... Your child had gained a powerful skill that will no doubt aid him in the long run." Heracles stood up and stretched his back. "I call that a win. And I for one think that you should be more happy about it." he continues as he turned back and head towards the door back inside.

"Since when did you become so smart you big oaf?!" Hestia quipped which made Heracles chuckled.

"What can I say? I guess I'm just more mature than you? Well that's to be expected." Heracles looked back before entering. "Don't stay up late squirt."

"Muscle headed Gorilla..." Hestia whispered to herself and drank on her mug, just when Heracles entered.

"I heard that you big tittied loli!" Heracles voice mad Hestia spat and cough, while remembering what Heracles said about the house not being soundproof.

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