Chapter 111

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-A few moments Earlier

Jealousy, such an ugly emotion. Thought that may be the case, it is still one of the most prominent emotions a living being has. Be it god or mortal, everyone feels jealousy.

It may be for power, fame, fortune, achievements, or talent. Every single living being could feel jealousy and envy.

Especially so, when you couldn't achieve what you are envious about.

Hermes watched at the top of the cliff as mortals showed just how ugly jealousy is, he watched as Moldo, and his gangs of hudloms surrounded Bell, all while smiling. Jealous of how fast he had climb in level, of his achievements, his talents.

Even going as far as kidnapping a goddess just to get to him. Hermes watched it all, a soft smile on his face, he watched as Moldo beat Bell up, punching and kicking him, while Bell can't do nothing.

It was due to fact that the white haired adventurer couldn't see Moldo, they had agree to a duel, one where the loser will follow whatever the winner demanded, and at the start of the duel, Moldo slashed his sword towards the ground, sending sand towards Bell's eyes.

After the momentary distraction, Moldo vanished from Bell's sight, invisible to the little rookies eyes. Then the beating commenced.

Bell tried to fight back, but to no avail, he couldn't hit what he couldn't see. And it wall all because of a...

"A magic item huh..." Hermes who was watching from afar had observed as Bell was being toyed with by Moldo. Much to the delight of the other adventurers who were with the brute. "Hades healm. A splendid item isn't it... Asfi?" Hermes asked without looking behind him, towards his captain.

"You sure do have some bad likings. Do you have something against Bell Cranel?" Asfi sighed, she did not approve of Hermes action, even though she is her god. Hermes after all had given the item to Moldo, as he wants to see what would Bell do, a sort of test to see of he is indeed worthy for the new era.

"Non of that, I quite like Bell... This is just me showing just how much I like him." Hermes shrugs and answered playfully. "You can even say that this is me showing my love."

Asfi has a disapproving look on her face, he could see Bell's face starting to get swollen as he receive punch after punch from the invisible Moldo.

"Bell is too innocent." Hermes sighed. "He doesn't know enough about how ugly mortals can be... Especially when jealousy in the picture." he then smiled at Asfi. "And because I like him, I'm showing him just that... The ugly side of mortals."

"Love it or hate it, I want him to learn this side as well, for him to grow." a crazed smile momentarily rose from his lips, but he quickly hid it. "Into a hero that is worthy for the new era." he mutters to himself. He then shrugs and the playful smile returns to his face.

"Though I will admit that I do find this entertaining as well... To see if he will snap, or whatever will he do to get out of this pinch."

Asfi closed her eyes, and massaged the bridges of her nose, she then looked back down, seeing that Bell was crawling on the ground, while being kicked by Moldo as he grunted in pain. "What if he becomes broken because of this?"

"Well then, I would know that he isn't worthy for the new era." Hermes just shrugs like it didn't bother him at all. "Oh goody... It looks like the others are here as well." Hermes beams as he saw Welf, and the adventurers of Takamikazuchi familia running towards the group of adventurers with the intention of helping out bell. "Now things are getting more interesting."

A small chuckle escape the lips of the god, amused at what he is seeing. "Honestly... All of them are just so dazzling."

An arrow flew towards the group of adventurer, catching them off guard. "Argh! WHO THE HELL SHOT THOSE!!!" One of them yell angrily as he clutched his shoulder.

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