Chapter 102

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Kiez and Jugo arrived at Heracles manor, a little bewildered at the exhausted look the rest of the familia have on their face, some even have a look of dread, while others are just laughing like an idiot at the corner of the room.

"What happened to them?" Jugo asked, unsure why everyone looked devilished and exhausted.

"Hell if I know." Kiez shrugs. "Hey guys! Got the food fresh and hot from the hostess!" Kiez called to them

"Good! I'm actually starving!" An unfamiliar voice made the two jump back, looking up the stairs, they saw a young man, with dark red auburn hair, a lose black long sleeves, and black trousers, going down the stairs. "it's been so long, since I had Mia's cooking."

The two had their jaws dropped on the floor, they couldn't believe their eyes... "A-A-August Kaizer?!" Jugo eyes bulged, he then stood to attention as he quickly introduced himself. Stuttering as he goes. "M-M-My name is J-Jugo, s-sir! No last name! A level 2 adventurer s-sir!"

Kiez on the other hand is speachless, he was now standing face to face with his idol, the very reason he became an adventurer, why he use the spear, and why he joined Heracles familia in the first place. August Kaizer is the person he striven to be.

His hand that was holding the multiple food that he and Jugo brought slacked, but in a blink of an eye, August appeared in front of him, catching the food that was about to fall to the ground. "Woah! Easy there, we don't want to drop our feast now, do we?" August smiled and turned towards Jogu. "And drop the salute will you, set up the tables, I'm starving."

"I-its an honor and privilege to meet you mr. August!" Kiez bowed, his face had this goofy smile, he could just imagine it, him being trained by his idol who is now his captain. "I'm Kiez Lota! I want to be as strong as you! Please train me!" He bowed as he asked enthusiastically.

The others, - the 8 who spared with August along with Denki - paled as they heard the innocent Kiez asking August to train him. They all gulped remembering what happened earlier.

August smiled sinisterly, - which Kiez didn't see because he was bowing - as he looked at the young boy. "Sure. I'll be happy to train you, all of you even." He looked back at the rest of the familia, they felt a cold chill ran pass their spine. "You should all follow his example, look at him wanting to be stronger. Hahaha!"

Kiez was smiling from ear to ear, in his book, his idol just complemented him, while the others, had an ugly scowl in their faces, dreading the so called training August will put them through. Jogu on the other hand was confused by all of this 'why are the others looked like they just swallowed a bitter bug?' he thought to himself. 'Why is Katty shaking in fear? Huh? Weird...' clueless on why the other had this reaction.


The feast went on as plan, when the table was set up, all of them eat like mad-men who was devoided with food, especially August. The manor had a great atmosphere, as Denki and the rest share their experience within the dungeon towards August.

Heraclea who was watching the scene had a serene smile on his face, he really like how August is getting along with the others, August's attitude just mesh well the rest, he was playful, yet serious when needed, firm yet not overly strict, and he was quite young but has an air of maturity that the others respect. But perhaps the most important thing is, he is strong, extremely so, that the others all look up to him.

At first Heracles was worry that the others might find August intimidating, but after that "Welcoming" August did, the others started to see that August was just like them, an adventurer who strive for strength, and someone who they can rely on.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now