Chapter 84

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Ari panted as she arrived back on the roof. She couldn't believe August was only level 5; she was level 6, yet the kid was able to exchange blows with her, even pressuring her into using her ancient magic.

She calmed herself down; she really wanted to carve her daggers deep into August's body. But she had orders, and she wasn't stupid enough to stay in the city along with that thing.

She turned and kneeled in one smooth motion. "It is done, Lord Erebus." She kept her face down, showing her respect for her god.

"Arise, Ari. You have done well, which is more than I can say for any of my other children," Erebus said coldly as he glared at his back, where the executives of his familia were looking down in shame and anger. His eyes stayed on Jillian as he scowled in disappointment.

"Now, let us leave this place before that thing starts its rampage," Erebus continued as he started to walk away from the amphitheater, Ari following closely behind him, as both their bodies sank into the shadows, disappearing from where they stood.

The executives followed after; they might be angry about this failure, but they wouldn't stay here along with that thing.

And just like that, Evilus's attack was over. They failed in their primary objective of gaining a Theïkó óplo, but like sore losers, Erebus left a gift behind, one that would kill many of the adventurers in the city, making it easier for their next attack.


Dread enveloped every being in the city, be they mortals or gods. The creature defied nature's laws—a hybrid born from Erebus's dark machinations, a chimera housing a fragment of an artificial demi-spirit.

The creature looked like a centipede-like insectoid, with a humanoid body protruding out of the very front, it had six black tentacle-like tendrils on its back. Its head, missing every other organ except the mouth, opened all the way to its abdomen, sharp razor-like teeth showing when it did. Black oozed, and pus squirted out of its body every time it moved.

Stationed in the west wing, the creature remained motionless, processing information. It had shed all traces of Lucius, becoming a mindless entity. As its eyes blinked open for the first time, confusion emanated from its three eerie orbs, surveying the terrified crowd. The adventurers stood frozen, fearing that any sudden movement might trigger an attack.

Finn clenched his thumb, pain threatening to sever it. He bit his lips, desperate to formulate a plan. Lacking theïkó óplo mastery, he couldn't gauge the creature's true power, only knowing it surpassed them all.

Riveria, highly attuned to mana, trembled in fear, clutching herself tightly. "F-Finn, if that t-thing attacks..." She couldn't finish, unable to fathom the horrors an assault would unleash.

"I know. We have to stop it here," Finn asserted, resolved to confront this dire threat.

The creature scanned the area, emitting an eerie screech, uttering a single word, "H-Hungry..." Its tentacles shot out, impaling an unsuspecting adventurer.

"Argh!" Elena, a level 4 from Anubis familia, gasped in agony as the tentacle pierced her abdomen, her eyes widened as she looked down, only to find the creature's tendril-like tentacle pierced straight through her. Her life force drained, a scream caught in her throat.

Elena's transformation into a lifeless husk jolted the adventurers from their stupor.

"ELENA!!!" Loch Rojo charged furiously, daggers gleaming with dark mana.

Loch led the assault, followed by every adventurer in the west wing, their mana surging.

"No, wait!" Finn tried to shout from the northeast side, his voice unheard. "Riveria, tend to the wounded! Gareth, with me! Bete, join the fray when that wound is healed!" He issued orders as he and Gareth sprinted towards the west wing.

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