Chapter 52

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"What's the matter little kitty?" Marius Victrix Rakia asked with a mocking tone. "I thought you wanted me to use my sword." he called closer and closer towards Anakitty who was turning paler by the second.

'What the hell is that thing?' she asked herself as every cell in her body was screaming for her to flee. Fear had taken over her.

"Well little kitty... Where is all that bravado now?" the prince's mana burst in the air, it was filled with killing intent so dense it made the crowd fear for their lives. "You really thought you could beat me? You? An insignificant creature... Don't make me laugh!" with a quick burst of speed, the prince vanished and appeared right in front of Anakitty.

Her eyes widened by the speed he displayed, her instinct kicked into overdrive, she quickly held her sword up to block an attack she couldn't even see... She was moving solely on her instinct.

With a thunderous sound, metal meets metal as the two weapons collide. Anakitty was sent flying with the impact.

She landed hard into the ground, dust flew around her as her body was cratered in it. Everything hurts, she was bleeding all over from that, and she even managed to block it.

She dreads the thought of that strike hitting her cleanly.

"Oho... Good job blocking that one." the Prince claped his hand sarcastically as he watched the broken and bruised body of Anakitty. "But it seems like that was all you wrote... And I was looking forward to testing what this weapon can do... Bummer."

Anakitty gritted her teeth as she turned her body around in pain, she heard a crack, she looked and watched her left arm dangling weakly. It is broken with her bones breaking flesh. She ignored it and grunted heavily as she used her right that was holding her sword to push herself up.

She looked at her sword, a dir adimantite weapon, it was chipped and bent but she was still thankful that it held on, if it didn't, she would have been dead.

She finally was able to make it at her feet but her stance was groggy. As much as she hates to admit it, the prince was right. She is spent, she no longer has the strength to continue. But still, she was standing adamantly in front of the prince, and with a heavy grunt she raised her weapon in front of her as she took a shaky stance. "Y-you t-talk too much."

"Tsk..." The prince clicked his tongue. This bitch was really getting on his nerves, he wanted to make her submit, to make her realize that she was nothing more than a pebble in front of him. He wanted to break her spirit. To set an example for everyone to see. "Stubborn bitch." yet Anakitty was still standing in front of him defiantly.


"That guy..." August spoke extremely low making his voice sound like a growl. He had a cold look on his face as he watched the prince. "He's gonna make an example out of her."

"What do you mean?" Denki asked, he was still inexperienced when it comes to this topic.

"Orario and Rakia are neighboring countries, yet their relationships are somewhat bad, and right now we are in a state of cold war with Rakia..." Froke was the one who answered him, she may be level 1 but she was a local of Orario and has plenty of experience in dealing with people so she can guess what the prince was thinking. "He wanted to demonstrate just how much stronger Rakia's adventurer was by beating Aki with only his bare hands but it ultimately failed since he failed to account for Aki's beastly traits..."

She took a deep breath and continued. "Because of that he was forced to use his sword which in his mind, humiliated him... Using his sword he broke and battered Aki's body but she still got up and stood in front of him with the intention to fight. That made him even more angry, and you can probably guess what he'll do now."

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now