Chapter 74

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Ais was panting heavily as she tried her best to hold off August's onslaught, for some reason unknown to her, the boy was leaving her behind in terms of speed and strength, he was getting stronger the longer the fight occurred.

'It must be the skill Bete mentioned when they fought.' Ais mused as she blocked another vertical slash which pushed her back a few steps. 'It's similar to the captain's chain attack skill. Maybe even slightly stronger since it doesn't reset every time I put a halt into his attack.'

Ais was in a pinch, she could still keep up, but she has a feeling that if the fight continues into this trajectory, she would inevitably be out classed by August.

She needs to make a move and she needs to do it now.

Gritting her teeth she decided to take a risk as she opened herself up for an attack. Exposing her left side for August to take.

August saw this and smirked, 'Did she really think that I'll fall for that?' he was a bit insulted at Ais attempt, it was so obvious that she might as well scream that it was a trap.

Ais's inexperience in fighting other people was showing, her every move was telegraphed and straightforward. And the longer the fight goes, the more August could see the habits and tell of Ais.

August ignored the opening and instead went in for Ais's right, greatly surprising the sword princess as she hastily moved her sword to block.

But at the last moment August spun to the left, a perfectly executed faint which Ais fell for hook line and sinker. And the trap that she sat up earlier was exploited, August faint left her open for an attack.

The spearhead connected at Ais side, blood splattered out as its blade dug out flesh leaving a wide gash at Ais's side.

"ARGHHH!" Ais grunted in pain as he swung wildly towards August, which he blocked with relative ease. He then kicked Ais on her left knee making her unbalanced whilst slamming  the butt of his spear straight to her nose.

The blow sent her reeling back in pain, her vision darkened for a bit, she then felt a sharp pain in her abdomen as August spartan kicked her straight to her solar plexus.

She flew back as she spat out blood, hitting the arena wall hard, knocking the wind forcefully out of her lungs.

August this time didn't give chase. There was something that was bugging him, he didn't know why, but he felt uneasy. 'What is this feeling?' he asked himself as he took a defensive stance.

With his skill mana manipulation, combined with Toga's mana dome technique on which he learned, he could more or less gauge the mana capacity within an individual.

What made him uneasy was that he was going all out, unleashing everything he has, and by the looks of what Ais is giving him, she as well was going all out. 'Or at least she thought she was.'

He could feel that Ais wasn't digging deep into her reserve, that she still has a dormant mana that she isn't using.

On their multiple exchanges in this match, August more or less knew that Ais isn't relatively skilled in anti-personnel combat. She was fighting him as if he was a humanoid monster, making multiple avoidable mistakes such as the trap she set up earlier. She was also straightforward with her attack.

At first he was struggling with Ais's pattern but the more the fight progressed August started to adapt to her fighting style.

Even with all of that advantage, August still felt uneasy on continuing his assault. And it was due to Ais's reserved mana that she hasn't even touched yet.

From his perspective, Ais already has the stats to level up to 6. She has more mana capacity than August, she was also faster and stronger than him. The only reason he was able to close the gap was because of his magic and skill, and the only reason he was able to proc his skill is because he is a much better fighter than her.

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