Chapter 8

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Man and beast meet in the middle, their attack sending shockwaves, Ottar with his massive amount of strength slashed endlessly at the Mythical Lion.

The beast, receiving the attack head on wasn't fazed by the adventurer's strength as it dished out slashes of its own.

Ottar is being smart though, using the blindspot provided by Rajesh, he riddled the lion with blows powerful enough to decimate a man to mush. He knows that his attack isn't doing nothing but it was the only opening he could exploit.

Finn watches the fight, he knows the lion's weakness thanks to the sacrifice of his friend, as he watches, his mind race, calculating, formulating a plan to kill the beast with what little they have left.



The Gods are watching the battle down below, cheering and making bets, they find the situation amusing as the mortals fight for their life.

"That mortal sure can fight." a god spoke, amused by the grit and determination of the mortal.

"That's one of Freya's children right? she sure is lucky in finding that type of talent." another god made his opinion known.

"seeing this makes me want to descend down. it looks like fun."

"By the way, isn't that the Nemean Lion? well that mortal's dead. Hahaha I wonder what Freya's gonna do? It would be funny seeing her face after two of her strongest children die."

As the gods continue to talk among themselves, one god in particular looks at the scene curiously. his eyes are not drawn at the beast and the man, fighting to the death. He already killed that cat long before, and he had done it with his bare hands. so seeing the fight doesn't really peak his interest.

But the boy, the boy has fire in his eyes, and he knows that fire, a desire for strength, for power, to stand above everyone.

And the spear in his hands is radiating the same quality that the boy has.

"Hey Heracles, you fought the cat before, when you are of mortal flesh, do you think that man has a shot." A god asks Heracles, but no answer came back. he took a look, and saw that he was looking at an entirely different scene than the fight. "Hey where are you looking?"

"Someone interesting."

The god looked at were he was looking and spot the boy, he saw him looking at the fight, his eyes glued to every moment of it, his hand griping a spear with a sense of hunger. "oh... poor kid, after the lion is done with that man it'll slaughter everyone there. to see a kid with that amount of passion die is such a waste."


"anyway, back to my question, do you think that Freya's child has a chance?"

Heracles looked at the fight momentarily, it was intense and wild but it just didn't spark anything inside him. "He can, but his being stupid."

"Stupid how?"

"no weapon in the lower world can hurt that cat, and no mortal magic is strong enough to damage it decisively. Knowing that he is still stubbornly using his weapon. he is just wasting his strength on a useless venture."

"Ohh... so how did you beat it when you were mortal?"

"I used my strength wisely, his skin may be impenetrable but his inside is still that of an animal. I used my hands to pry open its jaw and broke it."

"Hahahaha! That's a really direct way of doing things." The god amused by the former mortal slapped him at the back while laughing hard as he looked at the God formerly known as the strongest hero of humanity.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now