Chapter 81

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August and Marius felt a tremendous surge of killing intent assaulting their bodies. The two Theïkó óplo users both jumped back simultaneously.

The man stared at the two with a small, amused smile on his face. His appearance was just the beginning. From the stands, multiple hooded figures appeared, carrying weapons.

'Who is this man?' August asked himself. The anger he had been feeling vanished as soon as the man appeared. Right now, his senses were screaming that he was in danger. He gripped his spear tightly, his knuckles turning white.

The prince, Marius Victrix Rakia, wasn't feeling too good either. His vision was blurry from August's last attack, and now, his senses were ringing warning bells inside his head. Even the sword in his hand urged him to move out of this place. His expression turned serious.

"Oi, I would really appreciate it if you'd cancel your skill right now!" August screamed, not looking at the prince. His eyes were glued to the man.

"Tsk," the prince clicked his tongue. As much as he hated it, he knew August was right. With a snap of his fingers, August's body felt lighter.

"What's this? I thought the two of you would be running by now. Good job on staying," the man chuckled. His voice was deep and raspy, like lead.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Marius asked, his voice laced with venom as he crouched low, preparing to rush.

"Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty, how rude of me not to introduce myself," he answered as he bowed to the prince, turning his back to August. This would have been the opportunity for August to attack, but for some reason, his body just wouldn't move. He could see himself getting cut if he charged in. "The name's Cain, Cain Blutstahl."

"Nice to meet you, Cain," this time it was August who spoke. "May I ask what you are doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? Look around. We are the agents of chaos, the ones who'll bring darkness back to this realm. And to start that, we need those weapons," he smiled crazily as he explained. "I would ask for you two to surrender, but with you two alive, the weapons wouldn't bond with another master. So, to answer your question... I'm here to kill the two of you." As soon as he said that, he suddenly vanished from where he stood, appearing instantaneously behind August. "And I'm gonna start with you."

The adventurer couldn't even follow Cain's movement; he couldn't see anything. It was literally instantaneous for him. August's body moved on its own, his skill activating as Beowulf sensed danger. Beowulf's call, a skill that allowed August to use the experience and skill set of past wielders of the weapon - for a limited time - exchanging mana in the process.

August twisted his body, moving his spear to his back, just in time to block Cain as he slammed his greatsword. He blocked the blow, but his body was sent flying, crashing into the wall and even going through solid concrete.

The prince couldn't even move because as soon as Cain was done with his attack on August, he appeared in front of Marius. He grabbed the prince's head and slammed it to the ground, shaking the whole arena with his strength.

Cain's eyes twitched as he felt a large amount of mana coming from the hole in the wall. *BOOM!* August, who by now had activated Endless Battle, beamed towards Cain. His spear glowed a violent crimson hue, his eyes shone crimson as well, and blood-like sparks followed him on his charge. With a primal roar, he stabbed his weapon forward.

"Oh, shiny," Cain sneered, but suddenly, he felt another huge amount of mana, this time from below him.

The prince was glaring at him, his eyes glowed purple, and his body was releasing an obscene amount of chilling air. "Endless BATTLE!!!" The prince activated an Endless battle of his own, a magic shared by all Theïkó óplo - but producing different effects and having different conditions in place - and its users.

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