Chapter 129

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Things had become busy inside the premises of Heracles Manor as the familia members did everything they could to prepare for the upcoming war games.

Denki was probably the busiest out of all. Not only was he training to be stronger, but he was also racking his brain for their strategy in the war games.

There was also Helga, who, along with August, was doing everything they could to whip everyone into shape in anti-personnel combat. Helga, with her experience, and August, with his natural talent for the art itself.

And to be honest, it wasn't going well. Aside from Lysander and Bors, both having experience with fighting mortals, the others couldn't quite keep up. It was understandable; being adventurers, their primary target would always be monsters. Fights between two adventurers are rare and few and far between.

Still, they needed to adjust. August and Helga understood that, for them to win, they had to program into their familia that they wouldn't be fighting mindless creatures anymore.

There was also the issue of taking a life. August wasn't sure if any of them had any experience in killing. Sure, being an adventurer means death will always be in the picture, and every adventurer is prepared for it, but taking another person's life, that is something entirely different.

Most people don't have the stomach for it. Even August, who killed his fair share of people, didn't find the experience pleasant. It left a bad taste in the mouth, but he knew it was necessary.

"What do you think?" August trained his eyes on his comrades, who were trying their best to adjust their fighting style. "They are still fighting as if they are in the dungeon."

"It couldn't be helped." Helga sighed as she massaged the back of her neck. "Given that all they knew is how to fight monsters, it's understandable why they are having a hard time."

August nodded in agreement, the two of them racking their brains on how to tackle the problem. They watched as Lysander and Bors coached the others into the proper spacing in facing mortals.

"Do you think they'll be able to adjust in time?" August had an idea of how long it would take them, but he wanted a second opinion from Helga, someone who had been with them longer.

"It depends." Helga folded her arms as she muttered deep in thought. "Lysander and Bors are quite experienced in fighting other mortals, and I reckon out of everyone here, Lysander has the most experience in it. So the two of them are good to go, Thorne is surprisingly adept at judging distance, so I see potential in him, and Kiez is picking things up rather quickly, which is due to the fact that he doesn't have much experience fighting monsters, so he still doesn't have a habit of fighting like an adventurer."

August agreed on what Helga said; those four stood out from everyone, excluding the three executives. "And how about the others?" he asked.

"Well, I'll be straight with you." Helga looked at August seriously. "They aren't ready and won't be ready on time. They are too used to fighting monsters, so it would be impossible for them to erase their habits inside the dungeon... But given the situation, it is enough."

"What do you mean?" August raised his brow, looking at Helga with curiosity.

"Like I said, habits are ingrained in us adventurers; we are too used to fighting monsters. The same could be said for those in Apollo familia. After all, even high-leveled adventurers have this problem."

Helga paused for a moment; her mind wandered to the fight between August and Ais. "I'm sure you noticed this as well; the Sword Princess isn't adept at fighting against another mortal. The way she moved is polished in killing monsters. The only reason she could keep up with you is due to her superior stats and natural talent with the sword."

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now