Chapter 65

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What's this? Two chapter? Why yes it is. I'm in a writing mood today and my imagination was running wild. So write I shall.

Anyway enjoy.



Tione had her eyes peeled at the monster and its tamer. It looked like the two of them were communicating which was quickly scratched out her mind due to the impossibility of it happening.

Monsters are too stupid for that, but she just can't shake the feeling that something is different about this green dragon.

She had faced many of them when she was in the dungeon, and those monsters were strong, but for a level 5 such as herself, they are still monsters and nothing more.

She decided to hang back for a bit, if they wouldn't come at her then she would rest and gain her strength back. But suddenly a heavy force seemed to push her down to the ground.

The whole stage trembled as even the barrier around them shook. Her eyes then locked towards the dragon, it was glaring at her with anger and rage.

The eyes of the beast made her unconsciously take a step back. 'That thing is dangerous!' she thought to herself as she gulped.

With that in mind, she decided that she needed to attack that thing, kill it before it made a move. But her body didn't move. No... It refused to listen.

'Its aura... That thing feels like a rex!' She cringed at the realization but then her whole mind came to a halt. 'No way!!! That thing used mana earlier!!!'

Then as her mind came to that realization, the dragon let go of a mighty roar. The roar made Tione's ear ring, it was so loud that she could feel it deep inside her body. She felt a hot liquid trickling from her ear.

And when the dragon was done with it roaring, Tiona felt a prickly sensation on her skin. "You gotta be kidding me." She felt intent. "I-impossible!"

The dragon then charged towards the Amazon.


It didn't even reach one minute and Tione was out of commission. She tried to put up a fight, unleashing her whip towards the dragon, but Aagon just slapped the whip along with her around the stage, ragdolling her body as if she were a toy to him.

And as if that wasn't enough, Aargon breath attack devastated Tione, her skin chard and boiled by how hot the flames of the dragon were.

Fortunately for everyone, Shakti manages to stop Aagon before he could kill Tione. But the damage she had suffered was sickening, chunks of flesh missing on her body, her hair scald and burned, her skin looked like it melted. She was breathing roughly, she was alive... But barely.

There is a dead silence as the crowd watched as the medics hurriedly rushed inside the stage, Shakti was grimacing at the sight that was Tione. 'This will make the populace fear the monsters more.' She clicked her tongue as she made her way out.

Aagon followed behind her.

"What the hell was that?" Shakti asked, making sure no one was around. "You almost killed her!"

"But I didn't." Aagon answered like it was nothing.

"I'm trying to help your kind... I thought our goal was co-existence. What you did b-"

"What I did back there was the very nature of us monsters." Aagon cut her off before she could finish. "Don't be naive mortal, just because us Xenos can live in co-existence with your kind doesn't mean that every monster out there can as well."

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now