Chapter 49

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The two combatants stared at each other, they both know what they have to do.

The rules were explained to everyone who was participating when they drew lots.

You can win by either knock-out, or if the opponent surrenders. And since a level five adventurers are a commodity and valuable assets, a no killing rule is applied, but if an event where an unfortunate accident may happen, the god of the adventurer who killed the other is to pay compensation equal to the value of the slain adventurer to the other party.

The participants understood the risk of this tournament, after all, you can't necessarily hold yourself back in the heat of battle.

With Ganesha giving the signal to start, Ilta rushed at blinding speed towards the pallum, her strategy was simple and straight forward.


This caught Loch off-guard, he didn't expect this type of rough approach from a level 5, he hastily tried to intercept her by throwing multiple daggers towards the rushing red head.

With a smirk Ilta raised her gauntlet covered hands and continued to dive straight at Loch.

'An assassin is only effective when you don't see them coming.' She thought to herself, she's already convinced of her own victory.

"Taste my FIST!" The air gave way as Ilta brought her fist down towards Loch... But her fist hit nothing.

Because there was nothing there.

The pallum who was now missing. Ilta's eyes widened at this. 'An illusion? No. He was there when I charged.' her mind raced for answers.

Ilta's hair stood as alarm bells started ringing in her head. At the corner of her eyes she saw a dagger heading straight at her.


The sound of metal hitting metal covered her ear as with her reflexes she was able to block the incoming strike.

Loch saw this and turned mid air using his other hand to launch another attack. Ilta was unable to block this one, so she moved her head out of the way.

Loch dagger grazed her cheeks drawing blood, he then kicked the red-head on the abdomen in order to create space. He wasn't stupid, he knows that he stood little to no chance in a face to face confrontation against a fighter who specialized in that style of fighting. He is an assassin, and he will fight as such, using his speed and agility to his advantage while using hit and run tactics.

Ilta tried to counter with a powerful right hook but Loch was already far away from her, she saw landing on the ground and with a burst of speed the pallum rushed again.

When he was only a few more steps away from Ilta, he threw multiple daggers. The red-head smirked, she viewed the projectiles as an annoyance and they were never a threat to her.

She smacked the daggers off the air, her gauntlets clinking as it hit metals.


Ilta's eyes went wide as she felt a sharp pain on her left shoulder, she looked at it and saw a dagger embedded in it as blood seeps on her clothes.

'How? I blocked everything.' she asked herself, but she has no time to think of an answer as she senses danger coming from her right side.

In her peripheral she saw another dagger heading straight for her neck, this time the dagger was filled with mana and would do significant damage if she was even grazed by it, she was startled by this and hurriedly weave mana into her gauntlet in an attempt to block the attack.

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