Chapter 14

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August battle cry booms in the air, as his mana condense inside him, filling every part of his body, traveling at every crevices of it.

His senses go into overdrive as everything around him begins moving in slow motion.

Beowulf started glowing a radiant red, as its cold steel started gaining heat from the magic it received from August.

Then he moved, like a natural calamity, a hurricane of blades, he charges at the god with strength and speed a level four adventurer shouldn't have.

'This fucking son a bitch' was all Heracles could think of as he hurriedly blocked the incoming barrage of slash from August's spear.

The god was shocked, he knew he was fast but not like this, he kept getting cut, small and shallow yet every cut draws blood which made the warrior infront of him gain speed and strength.

But the god wasn't satisfied, with a feral roar he swung at the challenger with a force strong enough that all his previous attacks seemed tamed in comparison.

Like clockwork, August skill takes hold, Beowulf's call, every skill, experience, and knowledge in fighting all the previous owners of the spear had culminated into him. He dodge the attack within a hair's breadth, the mace inches away from his face. He spun around and slammed the weapon at the goods knee.

The blow sent the god reeling in pain as his knees buckled from it, he was such a big god so attacking and breaking his center of gravity made him almost fall from one strike alone.

Quick the spear rose aiming at the God's jaw, but Heracles has way too many battle experiences, He twists his neck as the spear passes cutting his lower jaw but otherwise harmless.

August thought the strike would land, afterall his god was off balance, he put too much force on the strike that he over committed to it, he's body was wide open.


A clubbing blow sent August flying as he spit out blood, he broke 4 ribs from the impact as his body rogdolled in the air.

But Heracles was not done, he dashed at August, catching his leg, he then proceeded to slam the man into the ground creating a small crater, his strength seemingly breaking the laws of physics as the boy's body bounced like a ball.

He then kicked him at his solar plexus, his strike literally kicked the air out of him as the man hung on to his consciousness.

"Had enough?!" Heracles asked as August lay face first at the ground. "I told you son, you already passed the test, this fight holds no point now."

But August was determined, consequences be damned, as long as he can still fight he will persevere. He started to move, his mind willing his body to stand as he pushed with all his strength just to get his face off the ground.

"Give up." Heracles' voice reached his ear. Give up? no... he can still fight.

His knees shaking, his body broken, yet his will is still firm, he stood up, shaky and groggy from the onslaught he received.

"C- come on old man, don't go soft on me now." his voice is shaky and tired, yet he could still taunt his god. Using his spear for support he raised his arms as he gestured for the god to come to him, a smile plastered on his now broken face. "Is that all y- you got?"

Heracles' sigh as he placed his mace on his shoulder, he could see that his child was in no condition to fight. Even a flick from him would send August into dream land, so if he wants to go out on his own terms, so be it.

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