Chapter 35

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-at the 16th floor of the dungeon, 2 days later.

"Denki, as usual, take the lead, I'll watch your back." August ordered, he watched Denki slash multiple monsters with his katana.

'Denki is adapting well, at first he was struggling against multiple enemies.' August's assessment of Denki in the past two days was positive for the most part. But he still feels like he can be improved. He can see minor flaws in his fights as he is over complicating his movements and following the teaching of his martial arts to the tee. He views it as impractical and a waste of movement.


August did a quick stab with his spear as he covered Denki's blind spot, with swift movement he killed the monster without any issues and fuzz. "You're slipping Denki, make sure to watch your surroundings. Monsters will take advantage of any opening they see."

"Yes sir!" The young samurai answered as he tried to control his breathing. This past couple of days was tiring for him, August made him fight monsters nonstop as he drew multiple hordes in their direction. He can feel his skills improving but at the same time the stress of constantly fighting monsters is getting to him.

""roar!!!"" multiple monsters can be heard heading in their direction, at this moment Denki was really getting exhausted. Still he didn't let his exhaustion show, with gritted teeth he gripped his katana firmly as he dug his feet on the ground.

"look alive, multiple minotaurs are heading this way." August warned, his eyes scanning the dungeon for any hidden threat. His eyes landed on Denki who by at this point was clearly gassed. He sighed and thought. 'He's about to reach his limit soon, guess he deserves a rest after all I've put him through.' "Yo Denki, I'll take point from now on, stay at the back and watch out for possible traps or ambush." August ordered as he twirled his spear and moved forward.

"What no! I can still go." Denki tried to argue but one quick burst of mana from August shut him right up.

"This is an order. Now try to watch how I fight, learn as much as you can from it, the way you're fighting right now is a liability inside the dungeon." August's cold words dug deep inside Denki. Being called a liability by someone he looked up to stings.

"Understood." he answered meekly.

"Denki this is not a jab at your strength, it's just that your fighting style is more suitable for anti personnel combat and dueling." August spoke as he looked at the incoming monsters drooling for some human flesh.

August stood his ground waiting for them. "You fight by the book which is ok but not good enough here." he took a step to the side dodging the minotaur charging horn. "Fighting inside the dungeon and fighting outside are two very different things. You need to adapt inside here." He said as he pulled his spear up slashing the monster's neck in the process. "Every move needs to count, to be connected to the next." August then spun and slammed his weapon to the other minotaur cutting it in half from the head down. "You are fighting them like they are mortals, you're making them move into spots where you can perform textbook techniques. That is impractical and you are wasting time and energy in doing so." Multiple hellhounds jumped towards August with the intent of tearing him apart with their jaws, With his spear imbedded to the ground he jumped and used his spear as a pole as he balanced himself above it using his hands. "Instead of making them move into your desired position you must learn to strike at any possible angle you have. It will make your attack more diverse." He pulled his spear out of the ground and performed multiple stabs like a rain of blades killing all of the hellhounds. "Moved with the flow of battle and make it one with your tempo." with his last words August landed on his feet and with a quick burst he spun as he decapitated all the monsters surrounding him.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now