Chapter 76

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There was a certain buzz in the city, the excitement earlier hadn't died down, all the pubs were full as rowdy adventurers who made a killing in the tournament.

Cheers and laughter filled the streets, even those who lost big money joined in on the celebration to drink away their anguish, the fight between the two prodigies still fresh in their minds. It was a happy time for the adventurers of Orario.

Well not all adventurers though, the ones from Loki familia are all down in the dumps, considered to be one of the strongest familia in the city, they have suffered defeat after defeat, as all of their fighters aside from Ais all lost in the very first round. Loki in particular was in a very foul mood.

Aside from Tiona, all of her children are severely injured, Tione was still in critical condition due to the green dragon, Anakitty had her left side destroyed, and Ais although stable now, was a hair width away from dying.

Not only that, she owed Athena a huge amount of money, not to mention she was already in the red when she commissioned Ais's weapon from Hephaestus, the weapon that was destroyed in her fight with August.

"Another!" She wailed while raising her hand, she cursed her godly body as her tolerance on alcohol was stopping her from being blackout drunk.

Finn, Gareth, Bete, and Tiona, could only watch their god, it was not a good look on their part. All the regality a god should have was thrown out the window. Riveria stayed behind to tend to the elves who were injured while maintaining the barrier, as well as the three members who suffered injuries in the tournament.

Chloe Rollo arrives with a full pint of ale and places it at the middle of their table. "Anything else lady Loki?" She asked politely.

"Keep it coming." Loki answered without looking up as she chugs another full mug of ale. She was planning on getting drunk or die trying, which ever came first.

Chloe looked at Finn, as if asking if everything was ok, the pallum just sighed and nodded with an apologetic look.

Chloe bowed before leaving, it was not as if she was part of their familia to care about their god's drinking habit, but she was just worried that the goddess might cause trouble inside the pub.

Finn watched Chloe making sure she was out of earshot before turning to Loki. "My lady... Aren't we short on cash? If you keep drinki-"

"That's precisely why I'm drinking." Loki cut him off before he could finish. "I'm drinking my sorrows away, leave me alone." She said while pouting.

Finn had a strained smile on his face while his eyes twitched. He was used to his goddess childish nature, hell all of the members of her familia was aware of the fact that Loki could sometimes be hard to deal with.

That was why as captain, Finn had a huge responsibility in making sure the affairs of the familia was running smoothly. He had adjusted their budget well when Loki commissioned Ais's weapon, but he did not foresee that his god would bet 300 million valis to Athena.

And right now, his mind was trying to do mental acrobatics to keep their familia on the green, but every glass Loki drank seems to stab him at his brain.

He looked at the 3 members that were with him, asking for help, only to see Bete and Gareth chugging alcohol and Tiona stuffing her face with today's special.

Finn blankly stared at the trio, his mouth opened and closed, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but before he could let a rant the door opened and loud cheers erupted inside the pub.

"Well look who it is!"


"I won big money because of you!"

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now