Chapter 136

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August twirled his spear as he cut another monster in half. It was the last of the horde he had run into. He was feeling tired, not physically; the monsters, no matter their numbers, weren't a threat to him. No... He was mentally drained.

He had been fighting monsters since the war games started, and the way the monsters moved, it was as if they knew where he was at all times.

Not only that, but it seemed like they were organized. Sure, they were still mindless creatures, but the way they moved and charged towards him made him feel like it was planned.

August did not like this feeling; he did not like the thought that he was dancing on someone's palm.

And to make things worse, he couldn't shake the feeling like someone or something was watching him.

He glanced up and saw monsters flying in the air, but they weren't coming down to attack him. No, the monsters were only circling him, like vultures waiting for a meal... No... If they thought of him as a meal, they would have come down by now... They were observing him, watching him at a safe distance, away from the dangers of his spear.

"I see now..." He let out a dry chuckle while bending down, picking up a medium-sized rock from the ground. The moment he did that, the flying monsters all flew higher, as if knowing his intentions. "So that's how it is... A tamer, huh?" He tossed the stone back, knowing that they would all scatter the moment he targeted them.

August took a deep breath. While he might not be as good as Denki in formulating a plan and strategy, due to him not really needing one in the first place, he could still understand and even come up with one if needed. And right now, his mind was moving quickly, trying to run through every possible scenario that may happen now, knowing that a tamer was present on the battlefield.

'We have to assume that every monster here is tamed by the enemy. Which means that aside from fighting the Apollo familia in these war games, we would also be fighting hundreds or more monsters,' he thought to himself. He slowly walked towards a nearby tree and rested his back on it. 'That means when it comes to numbers, they would absolutely obliterate us... Denki's plan would no longer be valuable as it originally includes the monsters who call the woodland area home for defense. But now we have to assume that they are as well under control.'

"If that's the case, then-... Wait." August jumped up. His eyes widened as he stared back into the sky. 'Shit! Those flying monsters... What if those aren't the only ones they have?' Panic started to set in as a horrifying realization filled his head. 'They're targeting the others!'

He quickly boosted himself with his mana, and like a beam, he plowed through everything in his path, his eyes moving non-stop, trying to find the members of his familia.

The realization that everyone might be endangered made him lose focus momentarily. His eyes, which were searching through the forest, saw a bright light of sunlight reflecting on metal, directly right in front of him, mere inches away from his face.

His reflexes kicked in, leaning back and digging his feet into the ground, the momentum of his speed carrying him forward.

He watched as a black metallic sword passed above him, seeing his own reflection on the blade. His move allowed him to dodge the sword that was aimed to decapitate him, but due to how fast he was moving, he lost control of the momentum, crashing into the tree as a thundering thud echoed throughout the area.

August slowly got up, his eyes glaring at the silhouette right in front of him. "Hyakinthos." He growled as he tightened the grip on his spear. His eyes gleamed dangerously, like that of a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

"How scary," Hyakinthos let out a sarcastic chuckle, an amused smile on his face as he twirled his sword in the air. "That eye of yours is fitting for your moniker... The Gaé bulg, the spear of mortal death." He slowly got into a stance, not leaving any openings while also keeping his center of gravity on the ground, prioritizing defense and mobility, something August expected. "But watching you now, I gotta say... I'm not impres-"

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now