Chapter 37

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*August PoV*

After the eventful day I had I reckon that a good night rest would be a most welcome task to do right now.

I was not tired, well at least not physically but mentally I'm famished, the talk I had with Shakti drained me more than I thought.

I can't help but think that it will not end anytime soon, that Shakti has something in store and that I won't like it one bit.

I made my way back home where I know a good meal and a soft bed awaits me and I really want to do all those things right now.

With a huff I dash towards home making sure to dodge the mortal traffic along the way, I made a quick turn in the alley which would allow me to move faster since there aren't any people that can hinder me in moving at a faster pace.

As I move I suddenly smell something odd, it was surprisingly calming yet repugnant at the same time. My body suddenly felt heavy as my vision swirled, I feel sleepy, it's like I'm drunk. I stopped moving trying to compose myself.

"What the hell is this?" I said as I shook my head side to side to shake this sudden drowsiness I felt.

"August." I suddenly heard someone calling my name. But what caught my attention was that the voice is eerily familiar.

I spun around only to see no one there. I looked everywhere in the alley and found nothing. Not a soul on sight.

"August." there it was again, and right now I'm pretty sure I knew who that voice belonged to.

"P-papa?" I asked, my voice was shaky. How is this possible? Why am I hearing his voice? No it isn't, he's dead, I watch his body burn along with the others who died that day. I slap myself making sure this isn't a dream of some sort.

"August... Pathetic." my head started to hurt, as pain assaulted me in burst.

"SHOW YOURSELF!!!" I roared, I'm pretty sure there's someone attacking me right now, using some kind of spell, tampering with my mind, with the memories of my family.

"You let us die." another voice joined in, it was my mother's. As a mixture of her screams, laughter of the goblins who killed her, and the cries of Maya echoes all around me.

"This isn't real, this isn't FUCKING REAL!!!" I kept on repeating those words as my body trembled in the alley. My ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming closer. I gripped my spear and stabbed it at the direction of the footsteps.


I felt my spear penetrating flesh, warm blood splashed on my face as I stared at the rotting corpse of my father who was smiling creepily at me.

"You l-let us die... You killed us... Useless, you're fucking useless..." it draws closer to me as it moved its skewered body closer. "You're a fucking disappointment August. You should have died with us."

I felt dread as I hurriedly took a step back. The words stung my heart as I look away only for my eyes to land at the dismembered body of my mother, along with the beheaded corpse of my elder brother Ludwig.

"You should've died with us." their voice keeps on repeating over and over again, as it did, guilt washed over me.



August felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest, his body was shaking out of control at what he was seeing right now.

The events of what happened 9 years ago kept on repeating over and over again, the memories becoming more vivid at every repeat.

He felt like a century had passed but in truth it has only been a couple of seconds.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now