Chapter 51

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Another long chapter.

Hope you guys like it and enjoy the read.

Love y'all.




As soon as Ganesha gave the signal to begin Anakitty quickly jumped back and created space for herself.

This was the norm in fights between high level adventurers, they look for openings and exploit them with precise attacks.

The fight between Loch and Ilta was somewhat of an exception because of how the two of them had a vast contrast in fighting style. One was a brawler who likes to get her hands dirty and the other was an assassin who is extremely agile and quick on his feet.

But these two are swordsmen, and experienced ones at that, they understand and value the fundamentals of spacing and technique. So it was no surprise for everyone that Anakitty created distance.

Annakity took her stance with his sword on her right, her left leg which was her lead leg was pointing straight towards the prince. A pretty standard and textbook stance that most adventurers use.

The prince on the other hand has his eyes glued at the cat person's whole body, he pulls the long sword out of the scabbard that was placed on his back but what shocked everyone was that he didn't get into a fighting stance. He rested the sword on the ground and placed both of his hands onto the pummel of it.

There was a smirk on his face that seems to tell Anakitty to get on with it already, this infuriates her but she was not stupid enough to rush at his space without so much as a plan of attack.

She started intently at the prince, finding any opening to take, changing her stance constantly to find the best possible angle for her.

Sweat falls off her forehead as in her mind she can see that she will get cut no matter what approach she would take. If she goes to the left she'll get decapitated, to the right she saw that the prince will cut her stomach open, at the middle she'll be impaled. All possible angles of attack as she simulates it in her head lead to her death. And everyone of those deaths felt real.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" Marius asked her, his voice sounded lazy as he looked at her with bored eyes. "They said that the adventurers of Orario are a cut above the rest... I've got to say, it seems that all of those are just talks and baseless rumors." his eyes went straight at her as his lips rose into a mocking smile. "What a disappointment."

Anakitty bit her lips. She doesn't know why, but her body just felt cold at the prince's gaze. She feels like a prey staring at the eyes of a predator.

She tried to speak, to answer, but her voice was nowhere to be found.

"Well if your not gonna come... The I will!" in a blink of an eye the prince was right in front of her. At instinct she was able to move because of muscle memory, she raised her sword up to block whatever attack the prince had planned but contrary to her expectation, the prince just stared at her with an amused smile on his face.

"Why so nervous?" He asked as he spun around and delivered a spinning back kick right at Aki's abdominal area.

The impact made her spit out blood as her vision darken and turned dizzy. She broke 3 ribs with that kick alone.

She balanced herself mid air as she tries to shake the dizziness off, she landed and skid a few more distance back. Her hand still holding her sword, a testament to her skill as a swordsman.

A slow clap entered her ears, he followed the sound and saw the prince standing right behind him, clapping his hand with a mocking look directed right at her. He then spoke in the most demeaning tone. "Good job..."

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