Chapter 87

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Extra chapter!!! A compensation for last weak. Anyway, have a great weekend.



Finn's mana erupted into the air, his muscles bulging as the golden hue that was his mana started to take on a dark coloration.

Veins started to pop out on his body, the air shook with the magic he released. He clenched the spear in his hand, his fingers digging deep into the hard metal.

With a wild roar, he charged at the creature with the singular motive of killing it where it stood.

"SUPPORT!!!" Mia dashed while giving the order, her body bulging in size as she tapped into her gigantification skill to the max.

Bete and Gareth moved left and right respectively, planning on flanking the creature along with Mia and Finn, who was charging at the front.

Toga, the weakest among them, ran circles around the creature. He knew his job was to target any opening he could find, as he knew he couldn't take a hit from the creature.

Mana gathered inside Riveria's body as she chanted an enchantment spell for everyone on the attack. "Assemble, breath of the land - my name is Alf! VEIL BREATH!!!"

Veil Breath, a green protection magic that raises the target's resistance against physical and magical attacks and also heals the target slightly.

Every one of her allies was enveloped in a green light as her spell took effect.

She wasn't done; after casting the enchantment, she began to cast an offensive spell of destructive proportion.

She gripped her staff with two hands as she pointed it at the sky. "The flame will soon be released. Creeping war, unavoidable destruction."

Finn arrived at the creature, slashing his spear wildly. A dark golden trail followed every slash.

The creature almost grinned, using its extremely sharp claws, it blocked the spear with ease and backhanded the Pallum, sending Finn flying into the air.

Finn spat out blood as he crashed into the wall, but with his mind in a feral state, he ignored the damage and charged forward once again.

Mia jumped in the air, using all of her weight and strength. She slammed her shovel down on the creature. Gareth and Bete arrived at the same time as her.

Gareth swung his axe horizontally, aiming to cleave the creature in half.

"DIE, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" Bete roared as he brandished his two swords, a cross slash aimed at the creature's neck.

"How cute," the creature spoke in a mocking tone as it moved faster than the adventurers attacking it.

It grabbed Gareth by the head and with a powerful yank, tossed the dwarf into the air, straight into Mia, sending them crashing into the rubble that was scattered all over the place.

It placed one finger in front of its neck, blocking Bete's sword. The werewolf's momentum came to a forceful halt, his body aching as he was going full speed.

The werewolf's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't have time to be shocked, as the creature used its other hand, shaping it like a spearhead, and stabbed it straight into Bete's abdomen.

"Oh no, you don't!" Toga appeared right behind the creature, in an iaijutsu stance. With a quick draw that almost seemed instantaneous, he slashed his sword at the back of the creature's head.

The blow was enough to offset the creature's attack, missing Bete by the skin of his teeth. Bete quickly moved into action, placing his two feet on the creature's abdomen and kicked to gain distance away from it.

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