Chapter 103

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Hestia, Heracles, Takemikazuchi, and their familia, had a collective ugly look on their face. The revelation of the pass parade was a heavy pill to swallow, especially for the adventurers. It was a taboo inside the dungeon, as doing so may lead to a wipe out.

"This is bad." Denki scowled as he bit the nail on his thumb. -A habit he gained when he was thinking- He wanted to blame Ouka and the rest of the Takemikazuchi familia for what happened, but then he realized, that if he was the one who was given a choice, he might have probably done the same. "I think the best possible odds for Bell and his party, is for them to dive deeper."

He grimaced, just thinking about it, two level 2s and a level 1 supporter wouldn't necessarily have the strength to survive in the middle floor, but if Ouka's words were to be believe, the mob had blocked the way out, forcing Bell's party to run to the deeper floors.

"I agree..." Helga nods, she gave a pissed off look towards Ouka, which made the man look down in guilt. "The pallum girl is smart, she might have come up with that plan, and Bell seems to trust him."

"THEN WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!!!" Kiez screamed, he is angry, Bell was the only person his age that lived in the Heracles manor, they might not be in the same familia, but they lived in the same house, they had developed a closeness with one another, akin to a brotherly rivalry. "WE SHOULD LOOK FOR HIM RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Kiez, I agree with you, but we have to look at this logically. We don't have enough numbers to cover the entirety to the middle floors." Helga answered him. "If we moved as a unit, we would inevitably be slow, we need to split up, and aside from me and Denki, all of you wouldn't survive in the middle floors if you encounter a mob." Helga's words were cold, they may have made it all the way to lower floor, but that was them moving as a unit.

She was right of course, and the others realize it as well, if they include the adventures of Takimekazuchi familia who are able to dive all the way to the middle floors, they would only number to 13 maybe 14, with only 2 level 3s. And with it, they need to cut their numbers even smaller by splitting up to search the entirety of the middle floors heading to the 18th floor.

If they move as a one unit, they wouldn't be able to cover more ground quickly enough. What they need now is speed, and the only way to achieve that is to have a team of 4 adventurers, moving at different crevices inside the dungeon. But it would be extremely dangerous with only level 2s.

Kiez wanted to argue, but Bors placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "She's right... We were only able to make it deep because of Denki and her." he then sighed and continue. "And to be honest, I'm not confident enough to survive at the middle floors with only four people."

Kiez bit his lips, strong enough for it to bleed, he looked around seeing that everyone had a scowl in their face.

Takemikazuchi also joined in. "In their current state, I can only send Ouka and Mikoto down at the middle floors, maybe Chugasa as well, but she could only act as a supporter. The rest unfortunately would only slow you down." the god sighed apologetically. "She's right... We need more numbers."

Kiez face drop down even more, but then he smiled and looked up. An idea forming in his head. "The guild! We can ask for them to help!"

"While it may be true, it will take time for them to arrange adventurers that would participate in a search party." Denki shook his head. "And right now, time isn't really in our side." he then bit the nail on his thumbs again, as he racked his brain to think of a solution. "But perhaps..." he looked at the leftover food they have bought yesterday from the hostess of fertility, set up in the table as a quick breakfast for them to eat.

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