Chapter 4

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*Shakti PoV*

I got out of the tent to get some fresh air, the situation inside is heavy, with the possibility of Riveria theory being debated inside.

With that in mind I made my way towards my tent, hoping that a good night sleep might get my mind off those things.

As I made my way I saw a boy wandering around, it was August, he was walking aimlessly outside the medical ward, how in the hell did he get out?

"August!" I called him, yet It seems that he didn't hear me, I walked towards him and got a good look at his face.

Anguish, deep deep sadness, and guilt, emotions you can clearly see in his face, I don't know where he's going but I'll follow him afraid that he might do something stupid.

I got close to him and put my hand in his head, he stopped only momentarily, he turned his head and looked at me, his eyes bloodshot from crying, black and heavy eyebags from the stress he is feeling.

"Kid..." I tried opening up a conversation but realized that I don't know what to say to him, what can you say to a person, a child no less, who lost everything he ever held dear?

"Miss Shakti." he called me.

"Where are you going August? it's the middle of the night. You need to rest. Come on we'll return to the medicine ward together." I urge him to return as I move my hand to hold his.

"Miss Shakti... I wanna go home." his words put me on pause, it hurts my heart, tears threatening to form in my eyes.

"Can I go home?" his voice is devoid of any emotion, except for sadness, and a tinge of hope. Hope that everything will be fine once he gets to his safe place, his home.

"Ok August... let's take you home." I answer him as I let his little hand pull me, his little fragile hand, a hand of a child who experienced things that should never be experienced in this world.

No words were spoken as we walked in the ruins of his village, yet everything was so loud, his emotions, his feelings, it sent shivers down my spine, his steps so heavy, his stance so down.

We reach his house, the door is broken off its hinges, the inside dark, dried off stench of blood can be smelled as he made his way inside.

"Mama, papa, I'm home." he called, it pains my heart, seeing him like this, still refusing to believe, still hoping that it was all a dream.

No answer came but he still continued on moving forward. I got the urge to pull him out, to say that there's nothing here. But seeing his face, that sadness, the anguish, that guilt, I just can't bring myself to do it.

"Miss Shakti..."

"Yes August?"

"They really are gone..." he said, as he looked at me, his eyes filled with tears, he was sobbing. The last tinge of hope vanishing from his eyes.

"Oh August." I could stop myself, I knelt down to his level and hugged him. His crying becoming louder and louder. I can feel the pain, I can feel his emotions. Fuck it hurts seeing child go through all this.

"MAMA!!! PAPA!!!" he screams, all you can hear in the silence of the night is a cry of a boy who lost his family, a cry of pain, a cry of sadness, a cry of an unwilling survivor.

I hugged him tighter, my tears falling with him. I want to say that it was all gonna be ok, that everything will be fine. but the words won't come out of my mouth.

minutes passed, as we stayed hugging each other, his sobs slowing down, yet the hurt in him still remains.

I pulled out of the hug in order to have a look at him, his face much like his father, a childish face, dark hazel eyes with sharp features, long straight amber hair. He is the spitting image of the Vanguard. A handsome young lad.

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